#Face2face: advancing the #science of #SocialInteraction
"Face to face interaction is fundamental to human sociality but is very complex to study. This theme issue brings together cutting-edge approaches to the study of face-to-face interaction and showcases how we can make progress in this area. It reveals how new paradigms are leading to more ecologically grounded and comprehensive insights into what social interaction is"
#philosophicaltransactionsroyalsocietyb #SocialInteraction #science #face2face
New issue of #PhilosophicalTransactionsRoyalSocietyB on "#Cooperation among #women: #evolutionary and #CrossCultural perspectives"
"This volume challenges narratives about universal gender differences in cooperation, reconsiders access to #kin as a constraint on women’s cooperation, reviews evidence connecting #SocialSupport and women’s #health, and makes comparisons with female non-human apes and other mammals"
#health #socialsupport #kin #CrossCultural #evolutionary #women #cooperation #philosophicaltransactionsroyalsocietyb