Guattari’s forehead
#philosophychatter #philosophy
#philosophychatter #philosophy
Hello #Philosophy tooters.
What's the earlierst source of "brain in a vat" thought experiments?
That is, where were brains in vats first used to motivate skepticism about the external world?
Some philosophers point to Putnam (1981?).
Putnam, H. (1981). Brains in a Vat. In Reason, Truth, and History (Vol. 1, pp. 1–21). Cambridge University Press.
But is there an earlier source?
From someone else?
#epistemology #philosophyOfMind #historyOfPhilosophy #PhilosophyChatter #xPhiChatter
#philosophy #epistemology #philosophyofmind #historyofphilosophy #philosophychatter #xphichatter