wrt John Dupré's
#PhilosophyOfBiology :
for all those considering to deal with persistence in time, and hence regularly at pains with an 'enduring substance' concept as inherited from the questionable Aristotle-Porphyry (Isagoge) tradition,
John Dupré's 2022 paper [oa at RG], taking some biological species as #IndividualProcess'
imop is an excellent & rather short read
as well in that it treats the topic in the context of scientific discussion and practice in biology, and does so not only for an epistemic but as well for a scientific end.
the broader perspective may be found in editors #intro of OUP [oa] book
e.g. relating the used 'process' concept back to Bergson and Whitehead.
#philosophyofscience #epistemology #metaphysics #philosophyofbiology #individualprocess #intro
#BruceMurray - Why Aren't #Aliens Already Here?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfAstronomy #PhilosophyOfBiology #Life #AlienLife #Civilisation #AlienCivilisation #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Evolution #Exobiology #Biology #Fermi #EnricoFermi #FermiParadox #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#fermiparadox #enricofermi #fermi #RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #biology #exobiology #evolution #astrophysics #astronomy #aliencivilisation #civilisation #alienlife #life #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofastronomy #philosophyofscience #philosophy #aliens #brucemurray
#PaulDavies - Gap Between Non-Life and #Life
#PhilosophyOfBiology #Biology #Physics #Evolution #Darwin #CharlesDarwin #Information #Replication #NonLife #RNA #DNA #AminoAcids #Peptides #Eukaryotes #Prokaryotes #Chance #Probability #Intelligence #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #intelligence #probability #chance #prokaryotes #eukaryotes #peptides #aminoacids #dna #rna #nonlife #replication #information #charlesdarwin #darwin #evolution #physics #biology #philosophyofbiology #life #PaulDavies
Very happy my book Evolution and the Machinery of Chance went on sale last week. What is the causal and probabilistic character of of microevolution? My answer reflects ways biologists use models and statistical inference in empirical research. (This is the "I forgot to leave space for hashtags" mini-post. Oops! Please see the parent to this post, and it's replies, for more info.) #evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #probability #statistics #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofbiology
#Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #probability #statistics #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofbiology
#StuartKauffman - Is the #World #SelfOrganizing?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Biology #PhilosophyOfBiology #Evolution #PhaseTransition #PhaseSpace #PhaseTransitions #Emergence #Reductionism #Emergentism #Order #Organisation #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #organisation #order #emergentism #reductionism #emergence #phasetransitions #phasespace #phasetransition #evolution #philosophyofbiology #biology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #selforganizing #world #stuartkauffman
#JamesMcInerney - How Do You #Know You Know Something?
#Philosophy #Science #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfBiology #Biology #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #Epistemology #Knowledge #Experiment #Falsifiability #Consilience
#consilience #falsifiability #experiment #knowledge #epistemology #evolutionarybiology #evolution #biology #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofscience #science #philosophy #know #jamesmcinerney
Is This New Platform an Answer to the Reproducibility Crisis? with Guy Rohkin, Co-Founder of Scifind
#sciencepublishing #openscience #philosophyofbiology @grohkin @sci_find
#sciencepublishing #OpenScience #philosophyofbiology
#Barnacles - These Creatures Were #Darwin's Greatest Enemy
#Biology #PhilosophyOfBiology #Evolution #NaturalSelection #GenomicConvergence #ConvergentEvolution #Barnacle #Molluscs #Crustacea #Crustacean #Crustaceans #Cirripede #Cirripedes #PBS #Eon #PBSEon
#pbseon #Eon #pbs #cirripedes #cirripede #crustaceans #crustacean #crustacea #molluscs #barnacle #convergentevolution #genomicconvergence #naturalselection #evolution #philosophyofbiology #biology #darwin #barnacles
‘There is no space independent of subjects. If we still want to cling to the fiction of an all-encompassing world-space, that is only because we can get along with each other more easily with the help of this conventional fable.’ Jakob von Uexküll
A Foray Into the Worlds of Animals and Humans, trans. by Joseph D. O’Neil (Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press, 2010), pp.69-70.
#philosophy #biology #vonUexküll #Uexküll #animals #philosophyOfBiology
#philosophyofbiology #animals #uexkull #vonuexkull #biology #philosophy
(Boosts appreciated!) The research group that I’m part of, #NORMABIOMED , is offering a PhD scholarship to work on the topic of #normativity (broadly conceived) within #PhilosophyOfMedicine , #PhilosophyOfBiology , or #PhilosophyOfAnimalMinds at UNED (Madrid). If you are interested or know anyone who might be, please get in touch with me or the PI, Cristian Saborido. Our emails are easy to find online.
#philosophyofanimalminds #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofmedicine #normativity #normabiomed
#nicheconstruction #EES #basalcognition #autopoiesis #symbiosis #systemsthinking #plantstudies #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofscience #ecoevodevo #evodevo #consciousness #NonViolentDirectAction #ecocurriculum #environmentalphilosophy #ecophilosophy #ecopedagogy #aesthetics #ecologicalcrisis #deepadaptation #civilisationcollapse #facingdeath #philosophyforsustainability #anthropocene #ArtSci #tricksterpedagogy #ecohumanities #contemplativepractices
Sociologist; institutions and technical work, esp. biology and computing. Chicago school; field methods.
Intersections among specialties; role of sentimental order(s) in social organization.
Professional Researcher, UC Davis Philosophy Dept., studying https://www.biologicalpurpose.org
#EES #ecoevodevo #evobio #evotheory #hps #histtech #histSTM #STS #PhilosophyofBiology #PhilosophyofScience #PhilSci #PhilBio #HistSci #HistoryofScience #ScienceofScience #SociologyofScience #ISHPSSB
#ishpssb #sociologyofscience #scienceofscience #historyofscience #histsci #philbio #philsci #philosophyofscience #philosophyofbiology #sts #histstm #histtech #hps #evotheory #evobio #ecoevodevo #ees
@evopma on that list of philosophers and historians of the life sciences, you can follow & add:
@cepaea, @pence, @ehud, @sabinaleonelli, @kzollman, @HWorliczek, @ivanfr , @ct_bergstrom, @carlbrusse, @qruyant, @subanima, @marshall_0i, @chreliot, @emilyherring, @lisabortolotti, @AFabregasTejeda
... and more!
#Philosophy #PhilosophyofBiology #PhilosophyofScience #PhilSci #PhilBio #HistSci #HistoryofScience #ScienceofScience #MetaScience #SociologyofScience #ISHPSSB
#worldphilosophyday #philosophy #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofscience #philsci #philbio #histsci #historyofscience #ScienceOfScience #metascience #sociologyofscience #ishpssb