“Here is a rule to remember, when anything tempts you to feel bitter: not ‘This is misfortune,’ but ‘To bear this worthily is good fortune.’” ~ Marcus Aurelius #philosophytogo
It takes a wise man to discover a wise man. ~ Diogenes
It takes a wise man to discover a wide man.
~ Diogenes
„A friendship that can be ended didn't ever start.“
- Mellin de Saint-Gelais
“Be ruled by time, the wisest counsellor of all.”
- Plutarchus
Happiness is between the bars.
“Great people do things before they are ready. They do things before they know they can do it.
- Amy Poehler
“Ich warf eine einsame #Flaschenpost in das unermessliche Dunkel”
- Theodor #Lessing
#existence #philosophytogo #Lessing #flaschenpost
-“Water is the best of all things”
-“#Ανόητο, Pindar!“
#thirsty #philosophytogo #Ανόητο
- “We don’t remember; we rewrite memories, just as history is rewritten.”
- “I am good to go with those letters, got plenty of ink in my mind, Chris.”
#existence #philosophytogo #SansSoleil
#SansSoleil #philosophytogo #existence
- “When shall we three meet again, in thunder lightning or in rain?”
- “#Trinity is always an option.”
#existence #philosophytogo #macbeth
#macbeth #philosophytogo #existence #trinity
- “No man ever steps into the same river twice.”
- “But Heraclitus, what about our ashes that sink to the ground to stay there?”
#existence #philosophytogo #immortal
#immortal #philosophytogo #existence