Hello Mastodon! I was @philosopymetoo on Twitter, mostly known for talking about being sexually harassed in academia and telling academics that sleeping with their students is a bad thing to do. If anyone has any tips on how to navigate this website particularly for advocacy about sexual violence, let me know. #academicchatter #philosophy #philosophytwitter #metoo #metooacademia
#academicchatter #philosophy #philosophytwitter #metoo #metooacademia
Two requests:
1) does anyone know of anywhere where Adorno writes about the environmental movement (thinking e.g. while in CA but ang references would suffice)
1) does anyone know of a good history of ecocriticism? Or has there been any study of that field historically?
Thanks in advance.
#histodons #twitterstorians #philosophytwitter @academicchatter
#histodons #twitterstorians #philosophytwitter