“Inwardly, we ought to be different in every respect, but our outward dress should blend in with the crowd.” —SENECA, MORAL LETTERS, 5.2
The Impediment to action advances the action. What stands in the way becomes the way --- Marcus Arellius
No matter what you do there will always be some hindrance. This is a fact of life. Get used to the idea of obstructions. They are the normal way of things. Once you understand this you can overcome barriers with less stress. You will expect them. You might not welcome deterrents but you will defeat them.
#druzhina #stoicism #marcusaurelius #philosopy #warrior
An absolute masterpiece of balcony gardening or packed in taoist terms: Wu wei :)
#balcony #gardening #philosopy #snapshots
Do you believe in #freewill?:
(Please reply with more information about your personal beliefs about whether or not you think people have freewill.)
#freewill #calvinism #atheism #materialism #philosopy #philosodon
aloha from Hamburg,
this artist' worx is #digital #dada #collage #photo #composite #art
it's about #perception and #meaning, includes #philosopy and #psychology and #esotericism and #poetic and #absurd #zen aspects ...
i started the public part of my artistic journey on IG [ @esotopia ] but am occasionally tired of fighting the almighty "Gods of Algorithm"
looking forward to mutual benefit ...
Moin, Moin,
#its_app_art #neuhier #newhere #zen #absurd #poetic #esotericism #psychology #philosopy #meaning #perception #art #composite #photo #collage #dada #digital
Been thinking about this line from Jose Ortega y Gasset:
“I am me and my circumstance; if I do not save it, I do not save myself ”
As I've loosened my grip on the concept of self, his point has become increasingly salient. I don't exist independent of my environment.
Improvements to my physical and mental health must be coupled with improvements to my environment. My environment includes living creatures, and the physical environment like air, water and temperature.
How can I be truly happy or satisfied when the people that make up my environment have so much less freedom than I do?
My freedom is only possible because of the existence of others who are enabling my freedom. To the extent that they are less free than myself, I'm coming to believe in a moral obligation to increase their freedom.
"the existence of others as a freedom defines my situation and is even the condition of my own freedom." - Simone de Beauvoir
Starting a diamond #openaccess #journal: Insights from Andrea Sangiacomo, editor-in-chief of the Journal of #Spinoza Studies published with University of Groningen Press.
Read the interview:
#openaccess #journal #spinoza #philosopy #AcademicPublishing
Finished the amazing Psychology of Money...and now on to something potentially even deeper.
Perhaps the question is misunderstood, as though identity is subject to a simple mathematical comparison. I propose that it is the same ship if the (majority of) people who use it or see it or are familiar with its behaviour agree that it is the same. Recast the question as "football team" and you'll see what I mean.
#philosopy #theseus #identity #theseus #shipOfTheseus @philosophy
#philosopy #theseus #identity #shipoftheseus
RT @garycox01@twitter.com
An interesting list of #philosopy novels. Broadly agree, although I might put #Sartre #Nausea #1 rather than #Camus #TheStranger???? https://twitter.com/greghickey5/status/1613639960141103104
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/garycox01/status/1613916653871595521
#TheStranger #camus #nausea #sartre #philosopy
Running #Interests: #polyamory #buddhism #mindfulness #marijuana #reading #writing #poetry #journaling #Xbox #gaming #rpgs #dnd #piano #wine #philosopy #existentialism #thrifting #dogs #photography #beer #vhs #80s #80sMusic #nintendoswitch #woodcarving #cameras #retrocomputing #greekmythology #cooking #curry #spicy #spice #editing #groupsex #music #progrock #liberalism #sketching #incense #alanwatts #activism #indigenousmastodon #bisexual #sexuality #vinyl #leather #smoking #marriage (1/?)
#interests #polyamory #buddhism #mindfulness #marijuana #reading #writing #poetry #journaling #xbox #gaming #rpgs #dnd #piano #wine #philosopy #existentialism #thrifting #dogs #photography #beer #vhs #80s #80smusic #nintendoswitch #woodcarving #cameras #retrocomputing #greekmythology #cooking #curry #spicy #spice #editing #groupsex #music #progrock #liberalism #sketching #incense #alanwatts #activism #indigenousmastodon #bisexual #sexuality #vinyl #leather #smoking #marriage
I am not sure how to #commit to #absurdism? I am not even sure if one is supposed to. I like it though. #philosopy
A mass exodus from Christianity is underway in America. Here’s why. - Grid https://apple.news/A_9KAojdPSa2dZ2G-SN3sgw I found this article interesting even if I don’t agree with some of the conclusions. Thoughts?
#christian #christianity #atheism #religion #theology #philosopy
#philosopy #theology #religion #atheism #christianity #christian
Interesting read on #AnimalRights and #law / #philosopy #history
#animalrights #law #philosopy #history
As members of the #LGBTQ community, we understand this tenet to the core, especially when we face discrimination. A friend of mine once commented that each of us (depending on how we choose to present ourselves) “must #comeout every day.” That is, when we meet new people, the tacit assumption is we are cisgender and heterosexual. We must inform every new person we meet who we are on the inside.
#Identity #Philosopy
#lgbtq #comeout #identity #philosopy
The argument that art doesn't make money like sugar/oil is a logical fallacy. Apply that to nursing or hospice work then it leads to questioning what real value is. Economics defining value in terms of sugar or oil twists culture value potential into an x factor. Art doesn't fit Adam Smith's world view, doesn't account that actual value professions eg art, nursing are a part of reality. Justifying humanity into turbo charged capitalism's square shape is driving everybody crazy imho.
Could universal language all agree on be developed in next 1000 years ?
I am the world after it ends.
#MastoArt #genart #spirit #philosopy
#MastoArt #genart #spirit #philosopy
Sorry have been a little absent. Wanted to share this beautiful piece of writing and insight from Phoebe Grimwood. Lessons From My Dying Therapist.
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/dec/10/lessons-from-my-dying-therapist-care-less-have-fun-accept-the-inevitable #poetry #psychology #philosopy
#poetry #psychology #philosopy
Here’s some fun, philosophical b.s.! I got Hume. https://www.idrlabs.com/philosopher-personality/25-50-20-40-60-55-55/result.php