Bryce Harper hits 300th career home run but it wasn’t enough | Phillies Postgame Live #300thHomeRun #AaronNola #AlexBohm #AtlanticDivision #BryceHarper #CSN #CSNPhilly #EasternConference #Haprer #HarperBall #HarperInterview #HarperPostgame #homerun #KyleSchwarber #MLB #NBCSportsPhiladelphia #NBCSPhilly #Philadelphia #Philadelphia76ers #Phillies #PhilliesHighlights #PhilliesLatest #PhilliesNews #PhilliesRumors #Philly #Phils #TreaTurner #Wheeler
#300thhomerun #aaronnola #alexbohm #atlanticdivision #bryceharper #csn #csnphilly #easternconference #haprer #harperball #harperinterview #harperpostgame #homerun #kyleschwarber #mlb #nbcsportsphiladelphia #nbcsphilly #philadelphia #philadelphia76ers #phillies #phillieshighlights #phillieslatest #philliesnews #philliesrumors #philly #phils #treaturner #wheeler
First, and this needs to be acknowledged: your Mastodon instance is known as ““ which is fucking awesome.
Second, about dem #Phils This is how we roll. There are streaks of super awful & streaks of super awesome.
Given the slate of injuries we’ve been handed, it’s a miracle that we‘be won as many games as we have.
@jbonewald @rachaelmillanta What a division...dang. #Mets got Verlander, #Phils got Turner, #Braves have signed a ton of their young core and the #Marlins are deep with great young pitching. The Nats....Okay, 4 out of 5 isn't bad. #MLB #Baseball
#mets #phils #braves #marlins #MLB #baseball
It’s the 3rd inning.
John Kruk is finished for the evening.
He has a tray of ribs.
Broadcasting at its finest.