Gizmodo: Listen to Werner Herzog Read a Book of AI Poetry #generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #joshmorgenthau #wernerherzog #lanaclarkson #philspector #simonrich #brentkatz #chatbot #chatgpt #herzog #openai #ai
#generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #joshmorgenthau #wernerherzog #lanaclarkson #philspector #simonrich #brentkatz #chatbot #chatgpt #herzog #openai #ai
"You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" is a song by #PhilSpector, #BarryMann and #CynthiaWeil, first recorded in 1964 by the American vocal duo #theRighteousBrothers. This version, produced by Spector, is cited by some music critics as the ultimate expression and illustration of his #WallOfSound recording technique. The record was a critical and commercial success on its release, reaching number one in early February 1965 in both the United States and the United Kingdom.
#philspector #barrymann #cynthiaweil #therighteousbrothers #wallofsound
"(You're My) Soul and Inspiration" is a song by #American #pop duo #theRighteousBrothers. It was the group's first hit after leaving their long-time producer #PhilSpector. The song was written by #BarryMann and #CynthiaWeil, who also wrote the group's first hit "#YouveLostThatLovinFeelin" along with Phil Spector. It is the title track of their album. The single peaked at No. 1 on the US Billboard Hot 100, and reached No. 15 on the #UKSinglesChart.
#american #pop #therighteousbrothers #philspector #barrymann #cynthiaweil #youvelostthatlovinfeelin #uksingleschart
"I Love How You Love Me" is a song written by #BarryMann and Larry Kolber. It was a 1961 Top Five hit for the #pop girl group #TheParisSisters, which inaugurated a string of elaborately produced classic hits by #PhilSpector. #BobbyVinton had a Top Ten hit in 1968 with a cover version. The song has been recorded by many other artists over the years.
#barrymann #pop #theparissisters #philspector #bobbyvinton
Ted Tocks Covers
Da Doo Ron Ron
Originally posted on June 8, 2018
On this day in 1977, #ShaunCassidy went to #1 on the U.S. chart with this hit song from #TheCrystals.
This feature shares the story of how my love of music evolved. From #PhilSpector and The Crystals, to Shaun Cassidy and ultimately #Rush. An unlikely path? Maybe?
Music is a journey.
#shauncassidy #thecrystals #philspector #rush #musicislife
"He's a Rebel" is a song written by #GenePitney that was originally recorded by #VikkiCarr and by the #girlGroup #theBlossoms. Produced by #PhilSpector, the Blossoms' version was issued as a single credited to #theCrystals, which topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart in November 1962. It was Spector's second chart-topper after "#ToKnowHimIsToLoveHim" (1958). In 2004, "He's a Rebel" was ranked No. 263 on #RollingStones500GreatestSongsOfAllTime.
#genepitney #vikkicarr #girlgroup #theblossoms #philspector #thecrystals #toknowhimistolovehim #rollingstones500greatestsongsofalltime
de live optredens van #FrankSinatra in 1960 te Las Vegas en met de band van #JohnDenver in de jaren 70.
Hij zal deel uitmaken van de belangrijkste groep sessiemuzikanten uit de jaren 50 en 60. #TheClique, of #TheFirstCallGang, met oa #CarolKaye. Later zou hij hen de naam #TheWreckingCrew geven in zijn autobiografie van 1990.
In 1960 zullen ze zowat de huisband worden van #PhilSpector en diens beroemde #WallOfSound creëren.
Ze zijn verantwoordelijk voor honderden top 40 hits en #1 songs.
#franksinatra #johndenver #theclique #thefirstcallgang #carolkaye #thewreckingcrew #philspector #wallofsound
🎧 #Mood | #TheRonnettes, 1964 "Be My Baby"
> Upgraded sound and (colorized) film <
Read MORE for a a great, brief music history lesson. I did. It's a good one.
#music #RandB #VeronicaBennett aka #RonnieSpector #PhilSpector #EstelleBennett #NedraTalley #pop #rock #WallOfSound #GirlGroup
#girlgroup #wallofsound #rock #pop #nedratalley #estellebennett #philspector #RonnieSpector #veronicabennett #randb #Music #theronnettes #mood
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Tina Turner, Simply the Best, Is Dead at 83 #Jezebel #what27slovegottodowithit #entertainment2cculture #tinaturnerrevue #annamaebullock #privatedancer #georgemichael #jezebelturner #iketinaturner #humaninterest #philspector #afoolinlove #tinaturner #erwinbach #proudmary #iketurner #12grammys #musicians #tjmartin #theoscar #madonna #black #tina
#jezebel #what27slovegottodowithit #entertainment2cculture #tinaturnerrevue #annamaebullock #privatedancer #GeorgeMichael #jezebelturner #iketinaturner #humaninterest #philspector #afoolinlove #tinaturner #erwinbach #proudmary #iketurner #12grammys #musicians #tjmartin #theoscar #madonna #black #Tina
So #PhilSpector has admitted that #Xbox is in third place in the console wars. Honestly, that feels kinda validatory (is that a word?) because back on the 90s-00s I was (and am still) a hardcore #SEGA fan. I just love an underdog! #gaming #videogames
#philspector #xbox #sega #gaming #videogames
🎧 #ArethaFranklin covered "Spanish Harlem" in 1971. #PhilSpector and #JerryLieber wrote the song first recorded by #BenEKing in 1960. Aretha's version changed the lyric from the original:
There is a rose in Spanish Harlem
A red rose up in Spanish Harlem
There's a rose in Black 'n Spanish Harlem.
A rose in Black 'n Spanish Harlem
#70s #60s #classic #Music #soul #beneking #jerrylieber #philspector #arethafranklin
🎬 Watching Aaron (Taylor-) Johnson's #JohnLennon in "Nowhere Boy" (2009) @ Starz.
🎧 Cueing up Lennon/Ono with the Plastic Ono Band's "Instant Karma" (Ultimate Mix 2020). Produced by #PhilSpector, recorded at #EMI on #AbbeyRoad, January 27th, 1970; the single was released in the #UK 10 days later.
This film was #TOTP. February 11, 1970.
#music #60s #70s #TheBeatles #London #rock
#rock #London #thebeatles #70s #60s #Music #totp #UK #abbeyroad #emi #philspector #johnlennon
Another How to Buy guide from #MOJO: #60s #GirlGroups.
Issue unknown, but must be early in the run since they're still unranked. And v. focused on CD compilations.
#Motown #TheSupremes #DianaRoss #PhilSpector #TheShirelles #TheShangriLas
#mojo #60s #girlgroups #motown #thesupremes #dianaross #philspector #theshirelles #theshangrilas
Ted Tocks Covers
Exploring the Influence of Phil Spector
Originally posted on December 26, 2020.
Although he was a disaster of a human being, #PhilSpector helped to create so much of the modern music sound. Here is a sample of songs that Spector contributed his 'wall of sound' and production style to, through the years.
Spector died in prison two years ago today.
from Spectropop: previously unreleased Checkmates track, produced by Phil Spector (their "Black Pearl," produced by Spector and co-written with him, has always been one of my favorite Spector recordings, and for that matter, favorite recordings period) #philspector
🗣 'My interview was the first he had given in more than 20 years. He struck me then as a charming, funny, but deeply troubled man.'
Read more ⤵️ @mickbrownwriter #PhilSpector
Original tweet :
Ahora me estoy viendo #PhilSpector, con #AlPacino y #HelenMirren y de momento puedo decir que me está gustando bastante.
#philspector #alpacino #HelenMirren #cine
Session musician Carol Kaye #CarolKaye #sessionmusician #bass #guitar #banjo #thewreckingcrew #ritchievalens #philspector #frankzappa #franksinatra #simonandgarfunkel #steviewonder #thesupremes #thetemptations #thefourtops #nancysinatra #glencampbell #thebeachboys #quincyjones #musician
#musician #QuincyJones #thebeachboys #glencampbell #NancySinatra #thefourtops #thetemptations #thesupremes #steviewonder #simonandgarfunkel #FrankSinatra #frankzappa #philspector #RitchieValens #thewreckingcrew #banjo #guitar #bass #sessionmusician #carolkaye
#PhilSpector, nacido un día como el de hoy pero de 1939, definió su particular método de producción musical como “una aproximación wagneriana al rock and roll: pequeñas sinfonías para niños”. Se refería a la “Wall of Sound”, un estilo de grabación que revolucionó los años 60´ y que consistía en un envolvente y denso sonido compuesto por una superposición de voces e instrumentos. La técnica, buscaba diferenciarse de la que preponderaba en esos años y distinguía claramente las diferentes secciones que componían una canción.
El excéntrico y desquiciado productor, ya fallecido, trabajó, entre otros, junto a John Lennon, George Harrison e Ike y Tina Turner.