When the Temple office at Zul-Bha-Sair received the request to install a in the main chamber, they sent Hubert a dictionary instead.

#lovecraftian #templelife #mordiggan #vss365 #philtrum

Last updated 2 years ago

Lauren K. Nixon · @laurenknixon
158 followers · 223 posts · Server mastodon.social

It wasn't that the class was boring, or that he'd had too little sleep. As a rule, he enjoyed geography, but as Ms Baxter described the phases of erosion his mind wandered. Soon all he could think of was how neatly the pad of his little finger fit against his .

#philtrum #vss365

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Z | Writer · @AlextheZee
475 followers · 990 posts · Server writing.exchange

We woke to two crimson lines painted on the of the colossal statue in the center of town
It looked like a bloody nose
Or some kind of ritual sign
Speculation & rumor percolated
Enemies! Attackers! A warning of danger!
I couldn't stand it
At home, I took my child's paint and drew lines on my own philtrum
As others saw me through the day, some followed the example
Together, we were an embodiment of solidarity: a living bulwark against fear

#flashfiction #flash #writingcommunity #vss365 #philtrum

Last updated 2 years ago