“It’s Nice To Have A Friend” was playing on the speakers 🧤🎶🌴 #summervibes ✨magical✨ #Phipps
#December 7, 1893
#OTD The #Phipps #Conservatory first opened to the public.
A gift from Henry Phipps, Jr. to the city of #Pittsburgh, Henry was a #ChildhoodFriend & #BusinessPartner of Andrew #Carnegie.
The #CrystalPalace inspired the 14-room #Glasshouse at the Phipps.
As the #Chicago #WorldsFair ended, the #Plant material was auctioned: 8,000+ #Plants went to the Phipps.
In 2018, the Phipps celebrated their 125th #Anniversary. There are 23 #Gardens over 15 #Acres.
#December #otd #phipps #conservatory #Pittsburgh #childhoodfriend #BusinessPartner #carnegie #CrystalPalace #glasshouse #chicago #worldsfair #plant #plants #anniversary #gardens #acres #garden #flowers