Even trusted names like #Vitens and banking institutions like #PFS can be exploited by cybercriminals. 💻 Don't fall for sophisticated #PhishingScams! Always verify before you pay. Stay alert, stay safe. 💡 #OnlineSafety #BankingSecurity #banking https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/banks-facilitating-criminal-hackers-growing-concern-joe
#vitens #pfs #phishingscams #OnlineSafety #bankingsecurity #banking
In this video, we discuss the dangers of fake content and how criminals are using AI to create convincing deepfake videos and fake comments to scam innocent people. We explore ways to protect yourself from falling prey to these scams, such as fact-checking, using common sense, and staying informed about the latest cybersecurity trends. We also delve into ways to spot fake content and phishing scams and emphasize the importance of education in protecting yourself and your community. Don't become a victim of fake content - watch this video and stay safe online!
#FakeContent #Deepfake #Cybersecurity #FactCheck #PhishingScams #StaySafeOnline #mastodon #art #photography #music #technology #politics #linux #opensource #foss #gaming #privacy #climatechange #activism #feminism #queer #lgbtq #comics #books #science #education #food #travel #history #memes #humor #selfie #writing #poetry #languagelearning #parenting #mentalhealth #sustainability #nature #animals #cryptocurrency
#fakecontent #deepfake #cybersecurity #factcheck #phishingscams #staysafeonline #Mastodon #art #photography #music #Technology #Politics #linux #opensource #foss #gaming #privacy #climatechange #activism #feminism #queer #lgbtq #comics #books #science #education #Food #Travel #history #memes #Humor #selfie #writing #poetry #languagelearning #parenting #mentalhealth #sustainability #nature #animals #cryptocurrency
In this video, we discuss the dangers of fake content and how criminals are using AI to create convincing deepfake videos and fake comments to scam innocent people. We explore ways to protect yourself from falling prey to these scams, such as fact-checking, using common sense, and staying informed about the latest cybersecurity trends. We also delve into ways to spot fake content and phishing scams and emphasize the importance of education in protecting yourself and your community. Don't become a victim of fake content - watch this video and stay safe online!
#FakeContent #Deepfake #Cybersecurity #FactCheck #PhishingScams #StaySafeOnline #mastodon #art #photography #music #technology #politics #linux #opensource #foss #gaming #privacy #climatechange #activism #feminism #queer #lgbtq #comics #books #science #education #food #travel #history #memes #humor #selfie #writing #poetry #languagelearning #parenting #mentalhealth #sustainability #nature #animals #cryptocurrency
#fakecontent #deepfake #cybersecurity #factcheck #phishingscams #staysafeonline #Mastodon #art #photography #music #Technology #Politics #linux #opensource #foss #gaming #privacy #climatechange #activism #feminism #queer #lgbtq #comics #books #science #education #Food #Travel #history #memes #Humor #selfie #writing #poetry #languagelearning #parenting #mentalhealth #sustainability #nature #animals #cryptocurrency
¿Te imaginas a un extraño controlando tu hogar?
#Ciberseguridad #SeguridadInformática #ProtecciónDeDatos #HackingÉtico #Ciberataques #Phishing #Malware #Ransomware #VirusInformático #SeguridadEnInternet
#Cybersecurity #InformationSecurity #DataProtection #EthicalHacking #CyberAttacks #PhishingScams #MalwareProtection #RansomwareProtection #ComputerVirus #InternetSecurity
#ciberseguridad #seguridadinformatica #protecciondedatos #hackingetico #ciberataques #phishing #malware #ransomware #virusinformatico #seguridadeninternet #cybersecurity #informationsecurity #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #cyberattacks #phishingscams #malwareprotection #ransomwareprotection #computervirus #internetsecurity
Global News BC: Sophisticated Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) scams circulating ahead of tax season https://globalnews.ca/news/9475522/sophisticated-canada-revenue-agency-cra-scams/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news ##canadarevenuegency #ConsumerMatters #consumermatters ##phishingscams #CRAscamslatest #cybercriminals #Phisingscams #Cybercrime ##crascams ##taxscams #Consumer #CRAScams #Taxscams #CRA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #canadarevenuegency #ConsumerMatters #phishingscams #crascamslatest #cybercriminals #phisingscams #Cybercrime #crascams #taxscams #Consumer #cra
FBI seizes $100K in NFTs from scammer following ZachXBT investigation - The seized property included a Bored Ape Yacht Club and Doodles N... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/fbi-seizes-100k-in-nfts-and-86-5-eth-from-scammer-following-zachxbt-investigation #boredapeyachtclub #phishingscams #zachxbt #doodles #nfts #fbi
#fbi #nfts #doodles #zachxbt #phishingscams #boredapeyachtclub
Unsecured Microsoft Bing Server Leaks Search Queries, Location Data - Data exposed included search terms, location coordinates, and device information - but no personal... https://threatpost.com/microsoft-bing-search-queries/159407/ #microsoftsecurity #misconfiguration #unsecuredserver #cyberblackmail #cybercriminals #exposedserver #microsoftbing #phishingscams #searchqueries #securityhack #websecurity #dataexposed #meowattack #microsoft #hacks #hack
#hack #hacks #microsoft #meowattack #dataexposed #websecurity #securityhack #searchqueries #phishingscams #microsoftbing #exposedserver #cybercriminals #cyberblackmail #unsecuredserver #misconfiguration #microsoftsecurity