RT @PatriciaTranMD
What a fantastic topic and special guest! Will be on vacation - I'd have FOMO but the great part about twitter chats is that they're enduring!
*Breaks out a world clock to figure out what time I need to log on for the next #PHMChat* https://twitter.com/aap_hpeds/status/1654117963643998210
Join us on Tues 5/16 for a #PHMChat on
📚 Supporting Scholarly Work 📚
With the amazing @ForsterKs
RT @aap_hpeds
#PHMChat is back! Join us on Tuesday 5/16 at 7pm CT for a special tweet chat:
📰 Supporting Scholarly Work in Medicine 📰
with special guest Dr. Catherine Forster @ForsterKs, Section Editor of #HospitalPediatrics Method/ology.
RT @JessikaBoles
@DrJessieAllan @freckledpedidoc @TchouMD @LifeandPICU @aap_hpeds @prabimd @CJHaberman @TinaKSosa @wwchang @renkate @KrisRehm @MagiGabraMD @courtsump @NickCozziMDMBA #PHMchat If the child is unable to speak or sedated, etc., my go to question for parents is "what should we know about (Name) to help us take the best care of them?" Responses may range from love of dinosaurs to recent familial loss or even needle fears, but always insightful :)
RT @aap_hpeds
Hey #PHMChat! Thank you for joining the discussion last night! Are there any topics you would like us to cover in 2023? 🤔 Let us know in the comments below. ⬇
RT @freckledpedidoc
Thanks for having me for #PHMChat‼️ I’ve learned so much from all of you!
It was a pleasure working with @DrJessieAllan & @CaraColeman73‼️
Happy Holidays & New Year‼️ https://twitter.com/aap_hpeds/status/1600310277240750080
Huge thank you to @CaraColeman73 from Family Voices: https://familyvoices.org/
Thank you for adding such an important caregiver perspective
RT @CaraColeman73
@aap_hpeds @CDeZureMD @JulieLKimMD @jessgold35 @cjrussellMD @pccm_doc @LifeandPICU @drkatielockwood @cpeltier007 @drmagnadias @AlokPatelMD Cara Coleman in Va. proud momma of Gibraltar, Justice, kezziah and Titus.
RT @aap_hpeds
#PHMChat | 🗣️ “It’s very, very overwhelming. Even half the things they tell me, it doesn’t even go into one ear, because you’re so overwhelmed." - Caregiver (Vaz et al)
Q1️⃣: How can we optimize communication with caregivers?
RT @aap_hpeds
#PHMChat | 🗣️ “It’s hard being a single parent with not a lot of outside help and having to stay at a hospital.” -Caregiver (Vaz et al)
Q2⃣: How can we decrease caregiver isolation during hospitalizations?
RT @NateBayerMD
@aap_hpeds @prabimd @CJHaberman @TinaKSosa @wwchang @renkate @KrisRehm @MagiGabraMD @courtsump For caregivers of children with medical complexity, I wonder how to elevate their autonomy and value as team members. At home, these caregivers are expected to do everything. Then in the hospital, administering meds and treatments can be resp therapist/nurse driven. #PHMChat
RT @DrMayssaID
@aap_hpeds @ktranda8 @BusymomJen @AnnieAndrewsMD @communityphm @Newborn_PHM @PHMLGBTQ @HMcKnightMD @MirnaGiordano Validating parental fear, anxiety, fatigue during a child’s hospitalization is the first step so they can start listening without feeling judged by the group of doctors & students standing in front of them in gowns, gloves and masks (we understand it’s. overwhelming).#phmchat
RT @aap_hpeds
That’s a wrap! Thank you for joining this #PHMChat on 🤲Caregiver Experiences in the Hospital🤲
Special thanks to Dr. Anika Kumar @freckledpedidoc, Cara Coleman @CaraColeman73, & Dr. Jessie Allan @DrJessieAllan!
We look forward to more chats in 2023! #HospitalPediatrics
RT @PatriciaTranMD
@CDeZureMD @aap_hpeds @prabimd @CJHaberman @TinaKSosa @wwchang @renkate @KrisRehm @MagiGabraMD @courtsump THIS! I try to model humility for my learners (we have all teaching teams at my current institution) and try to impress upon them that we're just meeting these patients but the caregivers have lived with them and know them much better than we do! #phmchat
RT @TchouMD
@LifeandPICU @DrJessieAllan @DocWithBowtie @aap_hpeds @freckledpedidoc @DavidPJohnsonQI @chris_bonafide @PatriciaTranMD @dxl273 @DrNikki4Kids @dr_leenz @jillianmcotter @MMolloyMD @bearphm @AlexHoganMD @jmarks614 @safelydoingless @AAPexperience How do adult hospitalists encourage family engagement while also respecting patient privacy? Was just reflecting that might be more complicated for adults who may have parts of their medical history their family don't know about #phmchat
Such a critical point!
I encourage everyone to check out Family Voices:
for more info on how we can support our caregivers.
#PHMChat #HospitalPediatrics
RT @CaraColeman73
@patrickwbrady @aap_hpeds @prabimd @CJHaberman @TinaKSosa @wwchang @renkate @KrisRehm @MagiGabraMD @courtsump @DrJessieAllan @alisakhan @landriganc Spot on! Our stories include so many key data pieces! We can’t say families are expe…
RT @aap_hpeds@twitter.com
@CaraColeman73@twitter.com @patrickwbrady@twitter.com @prabimd@twitter.com @CJHaberman@twitter.com @TinaKSosa@twitter.com @wwchang@twitter.com @renkate@twitter.com @KrisRehm@twitter.com @MagiGabraMD@twitter.com @courtsump@twitter.com @DrJessieAllan@twitter.com @alisakhan@twitter.com @landriganc@twitter.com "Family centered care must be a verb- not a noun or adjective!" #PHMChat
RT @patrickwbrady
@freckledpedidoc @DrJessieAllan @aap_hpeds @jmomdphd @jfganem @YardleyMD @DougCarlson1 @sumeetbanker @safelydoingless @DavidPJohnsonQI #PHMChat A3: Food insecurity is a HUGE issues for hospitalized families. Food Insecurity Screening of Hospitalized Patients: A Descriptive Analysis https://publications.aap.org/hospitalpediatrics/article-abstract/12/6/e196/187999/Food-Insecurity-Screening-of-Hospitalized-Patients/
Usually the families (or patients!) add vital information that helps us develop the best treatment plan FOR THEM #PHMChat
RT @patrickwbrady
@aap_hpeds @jmomdphd @jfganem @YardleyMD @DougCarlson1 @sumeetbanker @safelydoingless @DavidPJohnsonQI #PHMChat A3: Agree 💯 with wonderful comments about us giving families permission to not be at bedside. Will add well-known point that burden of hospitalization is not born equitably & we owe most to families we see least. Also lots of role for advocacy re generous family leave.
RT @PatriciaTranMD
@KSandgrenMD @DavidPJohnsonQI @aap_hpeds @chris_bonafide @dxl273 @DrNikki4Kids @dr_leenz @jillianmcotter @MMolloyMD @bearphm @AlexHoganMD @jmarks614 Along with this, I've heard people sometimes disparage a parent for not being at their child's bedside 24/7 - I've tried to use it as a teachable moment, and in the future I'm going to use some of tonight's #PHMChat as a script to describe the importance of parental self-care
"Feel free to jump in at any time with any questions, comments, or if we leave anything out that is important" #PHMChat 2/2