there was a study published this year that concluded that the reason children are scared of clowns is because clown makeup hides the clown's facial expressions, so children can't figure out the clown's intentions.
#clowns #clownphobia #phobias #science
@raijap Noi on jänniä, paitsi kohdalle sattuessa. Tuossa Wikipedian vähän pitempi lista linkkeineen, josta voi löytää kosolti lisää tai ainakin ihmetellä, mitä kaikkia niitä onkaan,
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: A Man Entered a Gender Studies Class, Asked What It Was About, Then Stabbed 3 People #Jezebel #antilgbtsentiment #jenniferkoshan #aimeemorrison #transphobia #education #bullying #phobias #sexism
#jezebel #antilgbtsentiment #jenniferkoshan #aimeemorrison #transphobia #education #bullying #phobias #sexism
Scared of #heights ? How #VirtualReality can help people overcome their #phobias — Fay Nugent challenged her phobias in a series of virtual scenarios
#phobias #virtualreality #heights
As a person with vision issues that enjoys video games and movies, I can’t tell you the frustrations around poor accessibility. I’m looking at you, directors that incorporate some massive plot point or conversation, in the form of a completely (to me) unreadable text message screen that is ignored by closed captioning. But seeing devs like Guerrilla also address accessibility around fears and trauma. Just wow. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
#accessibility #phobias #HorizonForbiddenWest
I wonder if there's a fear of drinking turned milk, 'cause I totally have that one.
WRITER FUEL: Live Science shares ten unusual phobias which may sound bizarre, but they are real conditions that bring great distress to those who live with them.
#phobias #phobia #fears #fear #emotion #writerfuel
And because I know that, like me, you're wondering: Mycrologophobia is the fear of short words.
‘You’ve never eaten a banana?!’ 10 writers face their fiercest – and strangest – food fears
This article was OK until I got to the description of oysters, which made me feel ILL and I couldn’t read any more.
The lady who tried trifle should’ve made homemade trifle though.
#WeirdFood #phobias —
People with honest-to-god #phobias: Do you actually feel FEAR about the thing? Terror or panic? Or can it manifest as something else, such as discomfort (but not fear), anger, etc?
new fear unlocked: #wakingupinabodybag #phobias #GAD
#Gad #phobias #wakingupinabodybag
Noticed a sudden irruption of visitors to my website looking for tryophobia triggers and information about the condition. I have personal experience of this as well as what I'd suggest is the opposite effect - ASMR...
Needless to say, I've updated my blog
#Phobias #TrypoPhobia #Tripe #holes #bumps #fears #IrrationalFears
#phobias #trypophobia #tripe #holes #bumps #fears #irrationalfears
What changes have you been surprised by during transition?
I lost my phobia of drowning almost overnight, going from being unable to put my face under the water in the shower to using a Neti pot regularly. From being dragged to the beach fully clad to wearing as little as possible & diving right in.
I went from loathing my feet & wearing at least socks indoors & NEVER being outside w/o boots on to being barefoot as much as I can - anywhere I can.
#trans #phobias