Próbuję pograć w #PhoenixPoint. Ciekawy "spadkobierca" #X-Com, ale gra mi regularnie utyka podczas ładowania kolejnych misji. To mnie zniechęca znacznie bardziej niż nieco większe skomplikowanie mechaniki niż w X-Com. Zaczyna to być na tyle upierdliwe, ze poważnie zaczynam się zastanawiać nad porzuceniem gry :(
#phoenixpoint #x #gra #grakomputerowa #giereczkowo
New stream today at 18:00 UTC.
I figured out my setup, so we'll be playing some #Control
Gonna be playing the games which take up the most space on my hard drive, so look forward to games with graphics (WOW).
Some other stuff that's coming up:
- #Spyro (again) complete with #DragonDaddyTierlist
- #PhoenixPoint (X-COM-like by the actual makers of the original #X-COM )
- #CodeVein (the game I found out first while looking for pictures of code)
- and lots more!
#control #spyro #dragondaddytierlist #phoenixpoint #x #codevein
I'm playing #phoenixpoint and while the strategy and gameplay are slightly over average quality the story and atmosphere of the game are so severely uninspired that I'm contemplating just quitting while I still have my soul.
Maybe I'll just play #xcom2. Again.