Por cierto, llegué a leer críticas del remaster para PC, que declaraban que estaba fatal.
Yo, al haber jugado solo a la versión de Nintendo DS, estoy disfrutando muchísimo del acabado, y me parece bastante hermoso. Mirad qué diferencia.
#videogame #pc #phoenixwright #aceattorney
I..need this :blobaww:
drew a silly maya fey for my mental health!!!! she's got THE steel samurai! #phoenixwright
#TakeOnMe - #PhoenixWright Cursed ver
#currlisteningalcea #takeonme #phoenixwright #cleveland
Personally I like the #PhoenixWright / #GyakutenSaiban #version :p
#phoenixwright #gyakutensaiban #version #currlisteningalcea
A big thank you goes out to The Consouls for this episode's theme Court Begins (2020 version). Available on YouTube.
Check out of their awesome jazz remixes on their channel, or on your music platform of choice.
#phoenixwright #aceattorney #remix
1. Suikoden II
2. Final Fantasy VIII
3. Civilization
4. Anstoß 3
5. Caesar III
6. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
7. Trails in the Sky
8. Phoenix Wright
9. Heroes of Might and Magic III
10. Theme Hospital
#10GamesToKnowMe #Suikoden #FinalFantasyVIII #civilization #Anstoss3 #Caesar3 #BreathOfFire #TrailsInTheSky #PhoenixWright #HeroesOfMightAndMagic #ThemeHospital
#10gamestoknowme #suikoden #finalfantasyviii #civilization #anstoss3 #caesar3 #breathoffire #trailsinthesky #phoenixwright #heroesofmightandmagic #themehospital
Episode 12 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is now available on your podcast players.
We take the adventure game genre back to court, and play one of gamings very few Law-em-up games, with #PhoenixWright #AceAttorney.
#gamingpodcast #podcasting #podcast #aceattorney #phoenixwright
Episode 12 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is now available on your podcast players.
We take the adventure game genre back to court, and play one of gamings very few Law-em-up games, with #PhoenixWright #AceAttorney.
#gamingpodcast #podcasting #podcast #aceattorney #phoenixwright
When you get to the end of editing, have it uploaded to publish and only then at the last possible second remember you were going to remove a part that you end up repeating from earlier.
God damn it... I was literally about to post.
I'll have the episode up soon.
#aceattorney #phoenixwright #gamingpodcast #podcasting
2021 footage, far from finish version. @Fantos is currently porting from Godot 3 to Godot 4.
#ProfessorLayton #AceAttorney #plvsaa #PLvsPWAA #PLvsPW #TGAA #TheGreatAceAttorney #TheGreatAceAttorneyChronicles #ProfessorLaytonVSPhoenixWrightAceAttorney #ProfessorLaytonVsAceAttorney #PhoenixWright #PhoenixWrightAceAttorney
#professorlayton #aceattorney #plvsaa #plvspwaa #plvspw #tgaa #TheGreatAceAttorney #TheGreatAceAttorneyChronicles #professorlaytonvsphoenixwrightaceattorney #professorlaytonvsaceattorney #phoenixwright #phoenixwrightaceattorney
Ieri ho finito la trilogia di #phoenixwright, mi aveva preso così tanto che l'ho finito in una settimana.
È diventato in poco tempo uno dei miei giochi preferiti. Forse la cosa che più ricorderò sarà l'umorismo, mettendo insieme personaggi improbabili con il sistema legale.
Cit: "My ATM number is 0001 because I am number 1"
Fosse tradotto in italiano l'avrei regalato a mia madre per farle vedere casi più realistici di forum.
My take on #7GamesToKnowMe #ShareYourGames
Curious to see your picks :ablobcatheart:
#7gamestoknowme #shareyourgames #guildwars2 #finalfantasyxiv #beyondgoodandevil #thelongestjourney #witcher3 #theneverhood #phoenixwright
Has anyone else experienced a faulty mic in their #Nintendo #3DS? It doesn’t work in game or in settings. It’s meant that I can’t finish the last case in #PhoenixWright Ace Attorney. 😥
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is heading to PC in early 2024 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/apollo-justice-ace-attorney-trilogy-is-heading-to-pc-in-early-2024 #PhoenixWright:AceAttorney–SpiritofJustice #PhoenixWright:AceAttorney–DualDestinies #ApolloJustice:AceAttorneyTrilogy #ApolloJustice:AceAttorney #VisualNovel&Dating; #ActionAdventure #SummerGameFest #CapcomShowcase #PointandClick #SinglePlayer #Nintendo3DS #Firstperson #Thirdperson #NintendoDS #StoryRich #Sideview #Nintendo #Text
#text #nintendo #sideview #StoryRich #nintendods #thirdperson #firstperson #Nintendo3DS #singleplayer #pointandclick #CapcomShowcase #SummerGameFest #ActionAdventure #visualnovel #apollojustice #phoenixwright
Pocas cosas más fabulosas he visto en YouTube últimamente. Si sois fans de la saga Phoenix Wright tenéis que ver esto 🤩 #PhoenixWright #AceAttorney https://youtu.be/FXHbgEX3NRU
Dee Vasquez, you better be careful in court today, because you don't want to pick a battle of wits with us! I don't care how much of a diva you think you are, nobody can escape the long arms of the law!
#phoenixwright #AceAttorney - Episode 18 (Case 3, Part 9): A Battle of Wits https://youtu.be/pp9XauIQf0c
Welcome back, Maya. I know you're confused, but there's no time for a recap! We have to get to the studios and get to the bottom of this!
#PhoenixWright Ace Attorney - Episode 17 (Case 3, Part 8): Hammer's Accident - https://youtu.be/8BB4QY6kiTI
I’m embracing #retroGaming. After #PhoenixWright my current joy is #Pokémon SoulSilver, hoping #TLOZ Oracle of Seasons to be the next one.
I want to find more people in Mastodon who also enjoy retro gaming, so if you are one of them please interact with this ✨
#retrogaming #phoenixwright #pokemon #tloz
#CurrListeningAlcea "#PhoenixWright" #DaiGyakutenSaiban #TheGreatAceAttorney
* The Adventure of a Friend and Speckled Band (#Dai #GyakutenSaiban Soundtrack)
#currlisteningalcea #phoenixwright #daigyakutensaiban #thegreataceattorney #dai #gyakutensaiban