Who needs #pholcodine anyway? A #dram a day keeps the #sniffles away.
#Cough #Cold #Flu #Medicine #Safety #Fears #Risk #Opioid #Whisky #CaskStrength #SingleMalt
#pholcodine #dram #sniffles #cough #cold #flu #medicine #safety #fears #risk #opioid #whisky #caskStrength #singlemalt
Wir werden nach Strich und Faden veralbert – Reaktionen auf Anaphylaktische Reaktionen https://sciencefiles.org/2023/03/14/wir-werden-nach-strich-und-faden-veralbert-reaktionen-auf-anaphylaktische-reaktionen/ #MedicinesandHealthCareRegulatoryAgency #NeuromuscularBlockingAgents #AnaphylaktischeReaktion #AnaphylaktischeSchocks #Marktzulassung #Gesundheit #Pholcodine #Influenza #Impfung
#impfung #influenza #pholcodine #gesundheit #marktzulassung #anaphylaktischeschocks #anaphylaktischereaktion #neuromuscularblockingagents #medicinesandhealthcareregulatoryagency
“The cancellation and recall actions are being taken because of a link between #pholcodine-containing medicines and an increased risk of #anaphylactic reactions (a sudden, severe and life-threatening allergic reaction) to certain medicines used as #MuscleRelaxants during general anaesthesia (called neuromuscular blocking agents).”
#pholcodine #anaphylactic #musclerelaxants #anestodon #anesthesia #anesthesiology
Our #safety committee, the #PRAC, has started 2 reviews:
➡️ one for #topiramate use in pregnancy and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children
➡️ one for #pholcodine-containing medicines due to concerns about the risk of developing severe allergy to other medicines
#safety #PRAC #topiramate #pholcodine