#question: cherche informations sur aide auditive #phonak paradise niada p30, en particulier ou se procurer des tubes de remplacement entre l’appareil et un embout conque. Il semblerait que mon audioprothésistes ce soit trompé, résultat, impossible de connecter la chose et j’en aurai besoin rapidement à cause de la chaleur et autres joyeuseté qui peuvent se produire avec ce type de matériaux. Besoin de référence et de nom de boutique en ligne pouvans distribuer ce genre de tube. Partage apprécié
#Phonak #HearingAid question
I have reverse slope hearing loss. Which means I can hear high tones loud and clear, and no low tones.
My hearing aids help.
Someone at our community who has zero hearing got a scooter last week that when backing up, starting, or stopping, beeps a high pitch, super high scream, the same as our building fire alarms.
Makes me nauseous.
Can’t get him to comprehend it makes me sick.
Anyway to get my hearing aids to block out such over high decibels?
Do you know that deaf and hearing-impaired people may experience tinnitus <https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tinnitus/symptoms-causes/syc-20350156>?
There is also an exercise (found on #Phonak web site) that helps to mitigate tinnitus? It's available as REPL online: <replit.com/@lecadier/Tinnitus-Relief-Exercise-1-from-Phonac#main.php>.
Alternatively you may use OnlineGDB to run it: <https://www.onlinegdb.com/edit/yeES0SjFq>.
#Health 🥗
To explain further - I was born deaf, fitted with HAs at 18mths, grew up oral, never learnt NZSL. Powerful #Phonak HAs meant I could participate in hearing world kinda ok. Given speech therapy at 3yrs old for about 2 years so I speak very well.
Currently have powerful Phonaks, and love digital technology - music has been an eyeopener, and with new tech in HAs I can understand speech in noise much better - so I can hear sung lyrics better. Love the Bluetooth HA ability to stream!
Unsere Praktikantin @nele, die gerade ihr Praxissemester bei uns ableistet, gibt einen spannenden Einblick in ihre FM-Anlage, die ihr in Projekten oder Sitzungen hilft, akustisch herausfordernde Situationen zu meistern: https://www.filmreflex.de/2022/12/07/was-ist-eine-fm-anlage/
#flexklusion #cochlearimplant #hörbehindert #deaf #FMAnlage #digitaleTeilhabe #Barrierefreiheit #Phonak
#flexklusion #cochlearimplant #horbehindert #deaf #fmanlage #digitaleteilhabe #barrierefreiheit #phonak