The Tesla Radar app turned four in August (it was released at #CCCamp19). That's about ten years in Internet time.
1.7 million view events from more than 3000 Android devices in 54 countries gathered the BLE signature of more than 200 000 unique #Tesla vehicles that support #PhoneAsAKey.
If there is enough #TeslaRadar users at #CCCamp near Berlin in the coming weeks, there will be a party! So please #RSVP early via mastodon/X so I'm able to do some shopping before my departure.
#cccamp19 #Tesla #phoneasakey #TeslaRadar #cccamp #rsvp
Gone in 130 seconds: New Tesla hack gives thieves their own personal key
#phoneasakey #hacking #Biz&IT #Tesla #paak #NFC
#phoneasakey #hacking #biz #tesla #paak #NFC