Ryan Wild · @wild1145
5713 followers · 1800 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Holy Shit just got the EE yearly 'We're putting your prices up e-mail" and it ends up being nearly a 20% price increase when all is said and done.

QUOTE: "We wanted to let you know that on or after 31 March 2023, your price plans for the following numbers will increase by 14.4%. This is in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation published in January, plus 3.9%. For example, a £27.31 plan will increase by £3.93 a month."

#inflation #ee #phonebill #priceincrease

Last updated 1 year ago

Father Enoch · @FatherEnoch
0 followers · 9 posts · Server mastodon.online

This morning I took out $40 to pay my in person and the rep for said "they couldn't take cash."

Before anyone else says ANYTHING, I KNOW what this is about;

Telus wants to have a , aka , to my account.

Funny these days how almost everyone wants direct access to my bank account.

wanted access, wants access. Yet, I'M the one being difficult for thinking MY should belong to ME, MYSELF, AND I.

#bankaccount #bluecross #directwithdrawal #directdeposit #telus #phonebill

Last updated 2 years ago