Holy Shit just got the EE yearly 'We're putting your prices up e-mail" and it ends up being nearly a 20% price increase when all is said and done.
QUOTE: "We wanted to let you know that on or after 31 March 2023, your price plans for the following numbers will increase by 14.4%. This is in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation published in January, plus 3.9%. For example, a £27.31 plan will increase by £3.93 a month."
#inflation #ee #phonebill #priceincrease
This morning I took out $40 to pay my #phonebill in person and the rep for #Telus said "they couldn't take cash."
Before anyone else says ANYTHING, I KNOW what this is about;
Telus wants to have a #directdeposit, aka #directWITHDRAWAL, to my account.
Funny these days how almost everyone wants direct access to my bank account.
#BlueCross wanted access, #Telus wants access. Yet, I'M the one being difficult for thinking MY #Bankaccount should belong to ME, MYSELF, AND I.
#bankaccount #bluecross #directwithdrawal #directdeposit #telus #phonebill