Grannophone Helps You Stay In Touch - Whether it’s distance, pandemics, or both that separate you from your elderly love... - #videoconferencing #videoconferencing #raspberrypi #phonehacks #homehacks #linux #vpn
#vpn #linux #homehacks #phonehacks #raspberrypi #videoconferencing
Portable 1990s POS Will Strain Your Back - [JR] over at [Tech Throwback] got ahold of an unusual piece of gear recently — a p... - #mobilephone #pointofsale #phonehacks #teardown #motorola #portable
#portable #motorola #teardown #phonehacks #pointofsale #mobilephone
Open-Source Cell Phone Based on ESP32 - Over the past decade or so, smartphones have exploded in popularity and seamlessly... - #operatingsystem #phonehacks #3dprinted #software #phone #diy #gsm #2g
#2g #gsm #diy #phone #software #3dprinted #phonehacks #operatingsystem
Windows 10 the Hard Way: on a Phone - Sure, there are — or were — Windows phones. But [neozed] wanted something differen... - #phonehacks #cellphone #windows
#windows #cellphone #phonehacks
Get Back Your Replaceable Batteries, Thanks To The EU - The world’s tech companies must harbour a hearty dislike for the European Union be... - #smartphonebattery #europeanunion #phonehacks #battery #eu
#eu #battery #phonehacks #europeanunion #smartphonebattery
A Mobile Phone from 1985 - It might seem quaint through the lends of history we have the luxury of looking th... - #surfacemount #technophone #phonehacks #cellphone #cellular #teardown #mobile #phone #retro #cell #80s #pcb
#pcb #80s #cell #retro #phone #mobile #teardown #cellular #cellphone #phonehacks #technophone #surfacemount
Linux Cell Phone? Build OURPhone - [Evan] couldn’t find a phone he liked, so he decided to build his own. There are a... - #raspberrypi #phonehacks #cellphone
#cellphone #phonehacks #raspberrypi
Using An Old Smartphone In Place of A Raspberry Pi - The Raspberry Pi was a fairly revolutionary computing device when it came on the s... - #phonehacks #bootloader #smartphone #lineageos #navidrome #streaming #samsung #galaxy #server #music #ram
#ram #music #server #galaxy #samsung #streaming #navidrome #lineageos #smartphone #bootloader #phonehacks
Cold War Military Telephones Now Usable Thanks To DIY Switch Build - The TA-1042 is the most badass looking telephone you’ll ever see. It’s a digital m... - #microcontrollers #phonehacks #telephone #military #coldwar
#coldwar #military #telephone #phonehacks #microcontrollers
Glowscope Reduces Microscope Cost By Orders of Magnitude - As smartphones become more ubiquitous in society, they are being used in plenty of... - #fluorescence #phonehacks #microscope #smartphone #education #science #camera #cost
#cost #camera #science #education #smartphone #microscope #phonehacks #fluorescence
ATtiny85 Automates Your Smartphone - It might not seem too impressive these days, but when microcontrollers with hardwa... - #smartphonehacking #attinyhacks #phonehacks #attiny85 #tiny85 #vusb
#vusb #tiny85 #attiny85 #phonehacks #attinyhacks #smartphonehacking
I could imagine you doing this!
Homebrew Telephone Exchange Keeps the Family in Touch, in the House and Beyond - It doesn’t happen often, but every once in a while we stumble upon someone who has... - #classichacks #phonehacks #autopatch #telephone #landline #analog #switch #dtmf #pots #pstn #pbx
#pbx #pstn #pots #dtmf #switch #analog #landline #telephone #autopatch #phonehacks #classichacks
Acoustic Coupler Gets You Online Through Any Desk Phone - Up until the mid-1980s, connecting a computer to a phone line was tricky: many pho... - #acousticcoupler #phonehacks #modem #bbs
#bbs #modem #phonehacks #acousticcoupler
Virtualizing iPhoneOS 1.0 - Virtualizing computers is nothing new. However, Apple devices always present chall... - #retrocomputing #phonehacks #iphoneos #iphone #qemu
#qemu #iphone #iphoneos #phonehacks #retrocomputing
Stack Trace from the 1950s Punches Again - This repair/tutorial video by the telephone Connections Museum of Seattle features... - #electro-mechanical #connectionsmuseum #telephoneexchange #telephoneswitch #troublerecorder #retrocomputing #phonehacks #5xb
#5xb #phonehacks #retrocomputing #troublerecorder #telephoneswitch #telephoneexchange #connectionsmuseum #electro
How to Build Your Own Analog Phone Network - Analog phones may be nearly obsolete today, but having served humanity for well ov... - #telephoneexchange #phonehacks #rs-485 #dtmf #slic
#slic #dtmf #rs #phonehacks #telephoneexchange
Will the Fax Machine Ever Stop Singing? - Throughout the 80s and 90s, you couldn’t swing a stapler around any size office wi... - #universalservice #hackadaycolumns #iptelephony #phonehacks #faxmachine #facsimile #rants #ofcom #fax
#fax #ofcom #rants #facsimile #faxmachine #phonehacks #iptelephony #hackadaycolumns #universalservice
Just How Fast Could You Charge An iPhone? - An iPhone 8, now a relatively cheap model, can charge its battery fully in two hou... - #lithium-titanatebattery #lithium-ionbattery #supercapacitor #batteryhacks #iphonehacks #phonehacks #iphone
#iphone #phonehacks #iphonehacks #batteryhacks #supercapacitor #lithium
Rollercoasters Are Triggering the iPhone’s Crash Detection System - Apple has been busy adding new features to its smartphone and smartwatch offerings... - #currentevents #phonehacks #smartphone #smartwatch #smartphone #smartwatch #featured #watch
#watch #featured #smartwatch #smartphone #phonehacks #currentevents