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At 2207UTC / First ever phone contact! (VE7TT in Vancouver BC fm Olney, IL - approx 3000km / 1860mi on 28.412MHz.) Also first QSO outside the US. Him: Omni VII / 300watts / Ant: 550ft loop @ 50ft fed w/ 400 ohm window line direct to shack / Ten Tec 238a Tuner. Me: Yaesu 857d at 100W / Ant: G5RV Jr. hung from tree @ 12ft as inverted v / YT-100 tuner. He was 5/5 on my end. He reported me as 3/5 at first, improving to 4/5 at one point.

#qso #phoneqso #KE0FFT #amateurradio #hamradio #10m

Last updated 2 years ago