Kai Klostermann · @odddev
189 followers · 628 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Okay, this might be a dumb question, but how do you know whether a font supports the phonetic alphabet?

#css #fonts #phonetic #dev

Last updated 1 year ago

Grund 2.3.23: weil wir beide bei sofort beschlossen haben, dass das


einzieht, auch wenn wir noch nicht wussten, wohin.

Er hat mir das vor 22 Jahren übrigens so lange beigebracht bis ich im Schlaf so buchstabieren konnte.

#nach18jahren #ikea #phonetic #alphabet #natoalphabet

Last updated 1 year ago

Alireza Dehbozorgi · @BDehbozorgi83
72 followers · 271 posts · Server mastodon.social
Christopher Bergmann · @isoglosse
141 followers · 274 posts · Server mastodon.nl

My latest transcription is the name of Tallon , a tennis player who won his first ATP Tour singles title today: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tallon_G

The last name is pretty straightforward to transcribe if you speak Dutch. But ‘Tallon’ is not a traditional Dutch name, so it could be anything in terms of pronunciation. I found a cute video from 2010 where Tallon Griekspoor, 13 years old then, pronounces his own name. So now we know, it is:

/ˈtɛlɔn ˈɣrik.spoːr/

#phonetics #ipa #griekspoor #phonetic

Last updated 2 years ago

Christopher Bergmann · @isoglosse
141 followers · 274 posts · Server mastodon.nl

I did not want to keep on using , so I was looking for a new pastime, something that can be done on the phone and only takes a couple of minutes. Here is what I am doing now:

I have started adding transcriptions to Wikipedia. There are decent guidelines and templates for many languages. And Gboard has a virtual keyboard that can be used for entering symbols.

This is my track record so far: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:

Suggestions and comments welcome!

#ipa #phonetic #duolingo

Last updated 2 years ago

Miroslav Šedivý · @eumiro
196 followers · 152 posts · Server mas.to

How do you describe how your is ?

in their language courses (that I consider excellent, EXCEPT for this one feature), write it in the source language, which you may or may not find helpful.

The is universal, but difficult to write. Maybe you can find your name on as individual words with .

Had fun playing with mine on ipa-reader.xyz/. Most languages (except for Japanese) sound right!

#langtoot #pronunciation #wiktionary #ipa #alphabet #phonetic #international #assimil #pronounced #name

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike · @bikeymikey70
163 followers · 231 posts · Server aus.social

Looks like the alphabet has changed 🤔😂


Last updated 2 years ago

mostaleoht · @mostaleoht
70 followers · 190 posts · Server zirk.us

I suddenly realized that I have no idea how ppl show (or used to show) non-native in written . Is it even possible? I mean, in a language with strict writing, it's relatively trivial: you won't be able to change the quality fo sound, but say, if a speaker consistently uses "sh" instead of an "s", you can at least reflect that.

But what to do in English? Say, is it possible to write with accent in English? It it possible to "encode" at least some of the vowels?

#accents #english #phonetic #french

Last updated 2 years ago

Joshua McNeill · @joshisanonymous
48 followers · 9 posts · Server h4.io

Spotted "time is ripe" in c1966. My instinct has always been to say "time is right", and indeed this appears to be a relatively recent shift in (books.google.com/ngrams/graph?). But, is this a change, a change, or both?

#xmen #AmericanEnglish #literature #phonetic #semantic #languagechange #comics #marvel #linguistics

Last updated 2 years ago

Gloria Mellesmoen · @glow
31 followers · 3 posts · Server fediscience.org


I’m a PhD candidate in at . I mostly do and often ask questions from from the perspectives of and .

My main interests are Salish languages, non-concatenative , sub-phonemic (phonological structure and variation), and .

Outside of my work - I love and postmodern .

#Literature #medieval #reduplication #phonetic #morphology #sociolinguistics #historicallinguistics #phonology #ubc #linguistics #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

JordiGH · @JordiGH
751 followers · 20696 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Dangnabit, tried speaking on the phone with a Hispanophone, they immediately heard my Spanish accent, so asked me to speak Spanish.

I mean, fine, okay, but what am I doing wrong?

I theoretically have enough knowledge to know how to get rid of my accent. It's just difficult to spontaneously produce the necessary speech.

I wish for more formal training with someone who can recognise my speech patterns. I know it's almost "impossible" to get rid of an accent, but I wanna try!

#phonetic #french

Last updated 3 years ago

Doomyflo 🐧🤘📚 · @doomyflo
920 followers · 9686 posts · Server framapiaf.org

trouvé sur Diaspora

#phonetic #alphabet #morse #code

Last updated 4 years ago