#Linguistics #Phonetics
A WWII pronunciation map of southern English towns for #Polish airmen, I believe. Some real crackers in here. "Tanbrydż-Łelz" is a personal favourite. As is "Dżylynem".
#linguistics #phonetics #polish
Ph.d.-kurs i prosodi og interaksjon, 6.-8. desember 2023
If you're working on spoken interaction in a Scandinavian language and you're interested in combining in #ConversationAnalysis and #phonetics, come and join us in Oslo in December! Instruction and data in Norwegian and English.
#ConversationAnalysis #phonetics #EMCA #interactionallinguistics
Currently audio-reading 'The Star Eater' by Kerstin hall. Perfectly acceptable YA fantasy, with some good sociopolitical worldbuilding, but--as pleased as I am that people thank each other politely and frequently--I'm getting wildly distracted by the fact that the narrator pronounces 'thank' (and all related forms of the stem) with a voiced interdental fricative [ð] (like in 'this') instead of the more typical voiceless version [θ] (like in 'Thursday').
@diffractie But what about phoneticians who came up with their 'cepstrum'?
(A cepstrum is a kind of inverse spectrum. Get it? spectrum -> cpestrum)
((The independent variable on a cepstral graph is quefrency. Get it? GET IT? frequency -> quefrency))
(((Phoneticians are very good shitposters.)))
#phonetics #linguistics #acoustics
so this particular bus stop is named after “the Mandarin Oriental Hotel”, usually shortened to “the Oriental”
But it’s been so long butchered by Thai phonetic rules that even the English name for the stop is spelled “o rian ten”
#thai #language #linguistics #phonetics
2005年の刊行から18年、『日本人のための英語音声学レッスン』(大修館書店)は第8刷まで来ました。今回の増刷にあたり読書案内にかなり手を入れたので、その部分は出版社の許可を得て公開することにしました(公開自体は次の記事です)。#phonetics #音声学 #英語音声学 #増刷 #読書案内 #EnglishPhonetics #FurtherReading #pronunciation #発音
#発音 #pronunciation #furtherreading #englishphonetics #読書案内 #増刷 #英語音声学 #音声学 #phonetics
Playing around with this IPA vowel chart with audio (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPA_vowel_chart_with_audio), and I'm a bit shocked to realize that I *don't* actually have [a] in my idiolect! I realize it as [ä]!
Now I'm wondering if that's a normal feature of SAE, or a personal oddity. (I.e., is that my idiolect, or my dialect?) Probably gonna be subtly listening extra-hard to everyone I talk to for the next few days. Maybe asking them if it's too hot, or how their fathers are.😉
#phonetics #phonology #linguistics
Downloaded the IPA keyboard to my iphone, but can’t find one to download for my ipad. Is there just no ipad version, or could it be due to OS (16.3 on the phone, 16.2 on the ipad)? #phonetics #ipakeyboard
This is me trying to come up with words that have the right phonological context for my experimental stimuli.
#linguistics #psycholinguistics #phonetics
This looks to be a pretty interesting #study, but not interesting enough for the general public I guess since the reporter felt the need to abruptly add #Martians to the discussion. lol Apparently #science isn't science if it's not about #space.
#linguistics #languagechange #sociolinguistics #phonetics #research #antarctica #sciencejournalism
#study #martians #science #space #linguistics #languagechange #sociolinguistics #phonetics #Research #antarctica #ScienceJournalism
Everyone I know is coming back from our massive once-every-four-years #phonetics conference and testing positive for covid.
I stayed masked inside the whole time, took all my lunch and coffee breaks outside on the terrace, and skipped the conference dinner. I'm fine.
n=1, but it's almost as if my continuing caution is causally related to the fact that I've not had covid even once.
Yes, yes, I KNOW it's based on cmudict and not the actual sound file. But still. That ain't no flap, gramle!
#phonetics #gramle #linguistics
学会出張でプラハに行っていました。今はワルシャワで帰国便を待っているところです。子供から溶連菌をうつされた状態で始まったので、本来ならなら学会には3日半参加するはずだったのが、体調が戻ったのが木曜の夜なので、参加できたのは僅か1日半になってしまいました。その意味では不完全燃焼に終わりましたが、もう一つの目的だった「研究打ち合わせ」はうまく進み、おそらく2年ぐらいで形にできるでしょう。今日は昼にプラハからワルシャワに移動し、8時間以上という乗り継ぎ時間を利用して、空港から出て市内を歩き回っていました。この体力が出張の最初からあれば良かったのに、と今言っても仕方ないですね。#ICPhS2023 #phonetics #Prague #strepthroat #Warsaw #音声学
#音声学 #warsaw #strepthroat #prague #phonetics #icphs2023
Catching up on news for the week and learned about Iggy Azalea supporting Tory Lanez. Fell down an internet hole and read this fascinating explainer of academic inquiry into Azalea's appropriation of African American English: How Iggy Azalea mastered her ‘blaccent’
Happy 50th birthday, hip hop!
#language #phonetics #popculture #culture #hiphop #appropriation #BlackMastodon
#language #phonetics #popculture #culture #hiphop #appropriation #blackmastodon
reading "how to" introductory language books as a linguist is so very painful #linguistics #phonetics #sociolinguistics
#linguistics #phonetics #sociolinguistics
I love this guy's videos.
"Schwa is never stressed" – FALSE
should this be my entry music for my fringe show about #phonetics? #funetics 👅 https://youtu.be/P48vEMGdd1w
PSA: How writing your own linguistic example sentences can go wrong...
Listen to more of 'Frogs, pears, and more staples from linguistics example sentences' here https://lingthusiasm.com/post/723422789301829632/episode-82-frogs-pears-and-more-staples-from
[Video: green background with white text and sound wave. Audio: Gretchen and Lauren discussing potential pitfalls when writing example sentences.]
#Lingthusiasm #Linguistics #Language #Linguists #LinguisticsMajor #LinguisticsNerd #Podcasts #ExampleSentences #FieldWork #Syntax #Phonetics #TheFrogStory #PSA
#lingthusiasm #linguistics #language #linguists #linguisticsmajor #linguisticsnerd #podcasts #examplesentences #fieldwork #syntax #phonetics #thefrogstory #psa
I’m used to GOOSE so fronted it gets parsed as FLEECE, but this morning a young woman was ordering coffee with “oat” milk and the GOAT was so fronted, even *in context* I had to backtrack to unparse it as “eight”
#phonetics #sociophonetics #SSBE
#phonetics #sociophonetics #ssbe