The #phoretic #mite #Forcellinia #wasmanni (#Astigmata, #Acaridae), which occurs among other ant species on the ant #Myrmica #rudinodis, develops in the ant #nest. The phoretic #dispersal stage (#deutonymph) is spread by ant workers.
To do this, I discovered a behavior I call "#pupa #guarding": it attaches to ant pupae and waits in this position until the adult ant hatches.. My video 2015-2023 in reduced quality (size limitations)
Β© #StefanFWirth Berlin/Usedom
#phoretic #mite #forcellinia #wasmanni #astigmata #acaridae #myrmica #rudinodis #nest #dispersal #deutonymph #pupa #guarding #stefanfwirth
My contribution about phoretic mites: #GlobalSymposium on #soils for nutrition, 2022 by FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. #Proceedings volume now published.
citation of Proceedings volume:
#FAO. 2023. Soils, where food begins β Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition, 26-29 July 2022. Rome.
My #paper: #Phoretic #mites as #microclimate originators in special #ephemeral #soil #habitats ....., page 112
#globalsymposium #soils #proceedings #fao #paper #phoretic #mites #microclimate #ephemeral #soil #habitats
Canβt complain about the view during morning coffee break at #EntSoc22! And great talks coming up soon. Check out my recent feed for all five of the upcoming presentations after the break from students in my lab.
#Orchid #pollinators, pollinators after #fire, #urban #biodiversity, #agroecosystems, and #phoretic #mites!
#EntSoc22 #orchid #pollinators #fire #urban #biodiversity #agroecosystems #phoretic #mites