@dmarti I cut my teeth in the anti- campaign around 2008. That got very dirty! Then the use of DPI by ISPs for routine interception of website visits on "security" grounds. Then surveillance of emails for personalised ads (Yahoo!). Google StreetView Wifi surveillance, Kindsight, . Not been in organised campaigns more recently. As UK has just left EU, we face an uncertain privacy future.


Last updated 2 years ago

@proactiveservices AMEN!! Been doing that for years. When I absolutely have to, (and only from recipients I trust and expected to hear from) I use a "view simple html" option in Thunderbird (having run email headers through a spam checking programme BEFORE download). Tedious? No. Effective? So far, so good (and I have been personally targetted to be sent keylogging malware in the past, during my anti campaigning days, in case you're wondering why I'm so paranoid)

#security #privacy #phorm

Last updated 2 years ago

@aljazeera_gotgrip yet the UK internet backbone is teeming with them. BT put them all over the place with , & Talk talk did same with , intercepting the entire data stream without explicit prior bilateral consent.

#homesafe #huawei #phorm

Last updated 2 years ago

@johnnyryan This is why I use adblockers, avoid Go***e search, NoScript, cookie deletion, a HOSTS file, and OpenDNS (For the router). But then there's Android/Go***e, & my settop box where I have less control. Oh yes, also unique disposable email addresses for all signups & contact with institutions. And a VPN for when I get extra paranoid. Why? I used to campaign v. & discovered the hard way that they really WERE coming to get me!

#privacy #phorm

Last updated 2 years ago