A novel simulation paradigm utilizing MRI-derived phosphene maps for cortical prosthetic vision https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1741-2552/aceca2 "evenly distributed maps may overestimate the performance that visual prosthetics can restore"; #BCI #phosphenes, brain implant for vision
How much current is 16,000 times sufficient current to restore vision? https://twitter.com/neuralink/status/1663690440774656000 #Neuralink #blind #BCI #NeuroTech #phosphenes #electrode #threshold #current
#blind #current #threshold #electrode #phosphenes #neurotech #bci #neuralink
#Pavlov classic #conditioning revisited: #TMS effect can only be triggered by hearing a #sound in people conditioned with paired pulse TMS and #tones https://www.sflorg.com/2023/04/ns04242301.html by @sflorg Now try this with TMS-evoked #phosphenes to evoke visual percepts with sound? #neuroscience
#neuroscience #phosphenes #tones #sound #tms #conditioning #pavlov
One in four people fail to perceive phosphenes during early visual cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation https://www.brainstimjrnl.com/article/S1935-861X(22)00260-1/fulltext #phosphenes #V1 #TMS
(YouTube) Diego Ghezzi, in BIU Vision Science Seminar Series, on "Visual prostheses: from the eye to the brain" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcAC9-l2skA #BCI #phosphenes #neuroscience, retinal implants, cortical implants, artificial vision, #blind, #blindness
#blindness #blind #neuroscience #phosphenes #bci
Integrated low-voltage compliance and wide-dynamic stimulator design for neural implantable devices https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/1/492 #NeuroTech #BCI, #phosphenes, retinal #prosthesis, #subretinal #implant
#implant #subretinal #prosthesis #phosphenes #bci #neurotech
Biologically plausible phosphene simulation for the differentiable optimization of visual cortical prostheses https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.12.23.521749v1
#AR/#VR #phosphenes #blindness #AI #BCI #NeuroTech #prosthesis #neuroscience
#neuroscience #prosthesis #neurotech #bci #ai #blindness #phosphenes #ar
Towards a Smart Bionic Eye: AI-powered artificial vision for the treatment of incurable blindness https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1741-2552/aca69d PDF at https://osf.io/fpdyv/download; "Despite recent advances in the development of visual neuroprostheses, the quality of current prosthetic vision is still rudimentary and does not differ much across different device technologies."; #bionic #AI #BCI #NeuroTech #prosthesis #phosphenes #blindness
#blindness #phosphenes #prosthesis #neurotech #bci #ai #bionic
I coughed and saw #phosphenes just now. I remember the first time that happened, I thought I was having a stroke.
I see points of light, usually blue-white and moving in straight lines vertically or horizontally a little ways before winking out. Sometimes they are like the absence of light instead of light. Sometimes they move in 45 degree angles instead of vertical or horizontal, and once they moved in squiggly lines instead of straight.
Pressure on the optic nerve, they say...