Philippe · @ph
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Daniel Masclet - "NUS - La BeauteĢ de la Femme" (1933) - "The catalogue contained female nudes by wellknown photographers, and some who were less so: two compositions by Man Ray. "Le Violin d'Ingres" and one of his innovative "solarizations", which transformed the photographs into drawings; five works by Dritikol from the early 1930s; a refined torso by Laure Albin-Guillot; a remarkable image of a dancer showing split movements, by the well-known female fashion photographer Yva (who would later teach the secrets of the nude to the very young Helmut Newton); an image using a negative effect by Moholy-Nagy, and three female nudes by Platt Lynes. Male nudes were still barely known to the general public at this time" (A. Bertolotti) - new at

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Last updated 2 years ago