@riffreporter Da ist euch wohl ein Tippfehler unterlaufen. Wir haben hier andere Freitage:
u .a.
😎 🌞 📷 🎥
#Fensterfreitag #fernfriday #flowerfriday #fridayflowers #flyfriday #frogFriday #photographyfriday #WindowFriday
#PunchANaziSaturday #RomanSiteSaturday #SaturdayLibrarian #SaturdayMug #SaturdayNight #SoulfulSaturday #StoatSaturday
#ShrimpSunday #ShoulderSunday #SpiderSunday #SucculentSunday #SundayRoast #SundayRunDay #SundayStarter #SundayThoughts #SunDog #SunriseSunday #SunsetSunday
#BlueMonday #MacroMonday #ManicMonday #MashMonday #MementoMoriMonday #MetalMonday #MineralMonday #MiteMonday #MolluscMonday #MoodyMonday #MosaicMonday #MossMonday #MotorheadMonday #MountainsMonday #MustangMonday #TransMusicMonday
#AstroTuesday #DuckTuesday #HootinTootinTuesday #PatchTuesday #TacoTuesday #ToeBeansTuesday #TransTuesday #TuesdayArt #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayVibes #Tunesday #TuneSwapTuesday #TuskTuesday
#MittwochMetalMix #WaterWednesday #WednesdayAddams #WedsNeigh #WeevilWednesday #Wenbiesday #WestWed #WildHorseWednesday #WineWednesday #WishListWednesday #WrensDay
#BlackAndWhiteThursday #Fursday #RomanFortThursday #ThankfulThursday #ThickTrunkThursday #ThursdayThoughts #VerseThursday
#AdventureGameFriday #FairisleFriday #FastingFridaysForFuture #FBF #FediFriday #FernFriday #FilmFriday #FindsFriday #FineFemmeFriday #FishFriday #FishyFriday #FloralFriday #FlyFriday #FrescoFriday #FridayEve #FridayHeretics #FridayMorning #FridayMusic #FridayNightBeersAreTheBestBeers #FriYay #FrogFriday #FroggyFriday #FunFriday #FunSockFriday #PhotographyFriday #RuinedPrioryFriday #TransVoiceFriday
Hashtag Index for more https://toot.cat/@Hashtags/110460687230583361
#punchanazisaturday #romansitesaturday #saturdaylibrarian #saturdaymug #saturdaynight #soulfulsaturday #stoatsaturday #shrimpsunday #shouldersunday #spidersunday #succulentsunday #sundayroast #sundayrunday #sundaystarter #sundaythoughts #sundog #sunrisesunday #sunsetsunday #bluemonday #macromonday #manicmonday #mashmonday #mementomorimonday #metalmonday #mineralmonday #MiteMonday #molluscmonday #moodymonday #mosaicmonday #mossmonday #motorheadmonday #mountainsmonday #mustangmonday #transmusicmonday #astrotuesday #ducktuesday #hootintootintuesday #patchtuesday #tacotuesday #toebeanstuesday #transtuesday #TuesdayArt #tuesdaythoughts #tuesdayvibes #tunesday #tuneswaptuesday #tusktuesday #mittwochmetalmix #waterwednesday #wednesdayaddams #wedsneigh #WeevilWednesday #wenbiesday #westwed #wildhorsewednesday #winewednesday #wishlistwednesday #wrensday #blackandwhitethursday #fursday #romanfortthursday #thankfulthursday #thicktrunkthursday #thursdaythoughts #VerseThursday #adventuregamefriday #fairislefriday #fastingfridaysforfuture #fbf #fedifriday #fernfriday #filmfriday #FindsFriday #finefemmefriday #fishfriday #fishyfriday #floralfriday #flyfriday #FrescoFriday #fridayeve #fridayheretics #fridaymorning #fridaymusic #fridaynightbeersarethebestbeers #friyay #frogfriday #froggyfriday #funfriday #funsockfriday #photographyfriday #ruinedprioryfriday #transvoicefriday
Happy Photography Friday folx.
Here's an image I shot in Dimboola, during the Steampunk Festival.
I have a huge back catalogue of editing to complete, which is the only downside of spending so much time in nature. 😍
#photographyfriday #tlwvision #mastoart #photography
Here’s the last three pictures from that sunny day. I’m officially out of developed photos to post.
Hoping to get out this weekend and shoot some stuff!
Also look how fucking big that boat is
#photography #photographyfriday #howlography
Happy Photography Friday folx.
This weekend we're in Horsham, however I'm still editing images from Last weekend in Warrnambool!
Here's a shot from Moyjil. Enjoy.
#photographyfriday #tlwvision #mastoart #photography
I think this is the coolest shot I got from a couple days ago.
Even this doesn’t do the massive scale of the boat justice
#photography #photographyfriday #howlography
Happy Photography Friday folx.
As part of my major art exhibition in February 2024 that looks at the LGBTQIA+SB community rallying together in unity to turn the tide of the Global Climate Crisis, I've been photographing a series of abandoned items in nature. My recent trip to Moama was a goldmine; along with the chair and bin, there was also a white painted tyre.
Sometimes it is hard to fathom the destructive human footprint upon the planet; other times, not so much.
#LandscapePhototgraphy #AbandonedItems #environment #MastoArt #TLWVision #nature #PhotographyFriday
#landscapephototgraphy #abandoneditems #environment #mastoart #tlwvision #nature #photographyfriday
Popular weekly #Hashtags (Rev 1.3)
#Caturday #InsectSaturday #InsektenSamstag #RomanSiteSaturday #SaturdayArt #SaturdayLibrarian #SaturdayMug #SaturdaySighting #SaturdayVibes #SixOnSaturday #ScreenshotSaturday #SoulfulSaturday
#HappySunday #ShakespeareSunday #SilentSunday #SocialistSunday #StandingStoneSunday #SundayFunday #SundayMorning #SundayRoast #SundayStory #SundayVibes
#BlueMonday #FotoMontag #MacroMonday #MineralMonday #MondayMood #MondayMorning #MondayMotivation #MonDog #MonochromeMonday #MoodyMonday #MosaicMonday #MushroomMonday #MusicMonday #PhotoMonday
#AstroTuesday #MusicTuesday #NudeyTuesday #TattooTuesday #TextureTuesday #ThickTrunkTuesday #ToeBeansTuesday #TombTuesday #TongueOutTuesday #TreeTuesday #TuesdayArt
#WaterfallWednesday #Wedsneigh #WhiskersWednesday #WildlifeWednesday #WIPWednesday #WoofWednesday
#BlackandWhiteThursday #ThirstyThursday #ThrowBackThursday #ThursdayVibes #VerseThursday
#AlternateFridayMusic #BandcampFriday #BlackFriday #BunnyButtFriday #FensterFreitag #FernFriday #FF #FineFemmeFriday #FingerPostFriday #FlashbackFriday #FloralFriday #FlowerFriday #FlyFriday #FollowBackFriday #FollowFriday #FortnightFridayMusic #FossilFriday #FrescoFriday #FridayFeeling #FridayFold #FridayMusic #FridaysForFuture #FridayVibes #FunFriday #FungiFriday #FurSuitFriday #JukeboxFridayNight #PhotographyFriday #WindowFriday
Less Popular Weekly Hashtags can be found here https://aus.social/@MarkIngs/109759084316366753
#hashtags #caturday #insectsaturday #insektensamstag #romansitesaturday #saturdayart #saturdaylibrarian #saturdaymug #saturdaysighting #saturdayvibes #sixonsaturday #screenshotsaturday #soulfulsaturday #happysunday #shakespearesunday #silentsunday #socialistsunday #standingstonesunday #sundayfunday #sundaymorning #sundayroast #sundaystory #sundayvibes #bluemonday #Fotomontag #macromonday #mineralmonday #mondaymood #mondaymorning #mondaymotivation #mondog #monochromemonday #moodymonday #mosaicmonday #MushroomMonday #musicmonday #Photomonday #astrotuesday #MusicTuesday #nudeytuesday #tattootuesday #texturetuesday #thicktrunktuesday #toebeanstuesday #tombtuesday #tongueouttuesday #treetuesday #TuesdayArt #waterfallwednesday #wedsneigh #whiskerswednesday #wildlifewednesday #wipwednesday #woofwednesday #blackandwhitethursday #thirstythursday #throwbackthursday #thursdayvibes #VerseThursday #alternatefridaymusic #BandcampFriday #blackfriday #bunnybuttfriday #fensterfreitag #fernfriday #ff #finefemmefriday #fingerpostfriday #flashbackfriday #floralfriday #flowerfriday #flyfriday #followbackfriday #followfriday #fortnightfridaymusic #fossilfriday #FrescoFriday #fridayfeeling #fridayfold #fridaymusic #fridaysforfuture #fridayvibes #funfriday #FungiFriday #fursuitfriday #jukeboxfridaynight #photographyfriday #windowfriday
Somehow I missed this one in the first pass of photos I took that night we went to the carnival. It turned out kinda nifty I think. Maybe a little messy
#photography #photographyfriday #howlography
Somehow I missed this one in the first pass of photos I took that night we went to the carnival. It turned out kinda nifty I think. Maybe a little messy
#photography #photographyfriday #howlography
City Lights Books
San Francisco, California
[vertical photo]
World famous bookstore, located at Columbus and Kerouac Streets, whose windows reflect & reveal urban life and art. The Transamerica tower in the background whose windowed facade was startlingly innovative when built.
#FensterFreitag #WindowFriday #urbanscape #photo #PhotographyFriday #SanFrancisco #California
#Fensterfreitag #WindowFriday #urbanscape #photo #photographyfriday #sanfrancisco #California
Here’s one of my favourites from today. I fucking LOVE the bright red pop.
I was kinda going for a green/gold thing. I’ve been watching Twin Peaks and I dig how the Pacific Northwest looks on grainy film
#photographyfriday #photography #howlography
Went out to go shoot and it started fucking pouring rain in typical PNW fashion.
Just ripped this off my camera while waiting for the car to warm up but I really like it as a JPEG straight out of camera. Olympus has a REALLY wicked high-contrast black and white film emulation built in
#photographyfriday #howlography
A couple more shots that I liked. Gotta have the classic Cinestill 800t gas station shot.
#photographyfriday #photography #howlography
Happy photography Friday folx.
Went on my regularly scheduled fortnightly adventure with my support worker on Wednesday but because I'm still getting over what we thought was pneumonia but is actually bronchitis it was a change of plans and we didn't stay out for sunset.
I can however recommend the new dance video exhibition on currently at the Substation in Naarm. Afterwards we walked around Newport Lakes Reserve, which I've never been to before, but loved. Was too cold for my chest though so we left early.
#PhotographyFriday #TLWVision #MastoArt #melbourne @Melbourne #actuallyAutistic #artistWithADisability #disabledArtist
#photographyfriday #tlwvision #mastoart #melbourne #actuallyautistic #artistwithadisability #DisabledArtist
First properly nice day in Vancouver in months
#streetphotography #photographyfriday #photography
The Japanese Garden
Van Nuys, California
A view of a portion of the extensive and beautiful garden from inside the tea house.
#FensterFreitag #PhotographyFriday #WindowFriday #photo #California
#Fensterfreitag #photographyfriday #WindowFriday #photo #California
Happy Photography Friday folx.
Usually for PF I upload a landscape or two, however today I share with you three amazing queer humans from the recent Daylesford Chill Out Festival Pride March.
I've had the pleasure of hanging out with two of them on numerous occasions - Sally Goldner and Dolly Diamond and have been enriched by their humour and humanity. I am sure that the 78er I have photographed would be no exception.
As many of you in Naarm (and across so called Australia) would know, Sally is a tireless freedom fighter for trans rights and human equality. Yet she is tired, she is asking, like all trans people, that humans outside the trans experience step up not by saying you're an ally, but by doing.
Doing the writing to local, state and federal politicians; doing the marches when and where you can; doing the community involvement; doing the hard yards by talking to colleagues and friends and maybe having uncomfortable conversations. Doing anything and everything that needs to be done.
Because it's the right thing to do. Because we're all human beings on this big beautiful planet. Because to do less would be to deny yourself of meaningful human experiences. Because we're all different, and that's wonderful.
#LGBTQIASB+ #Pride #disabledArtist #artistWithADisability #TLWVision #ChillOutFestival #daylesford #EventPhotography #photographer #PhotographyFriday #StandUpToFascism
#lgbtqiasb #pride #DisabledArtist #artistwithadisability #tlwvision #chilloutfestival #daylesford #eventphotography #photographer #photographyfriday #standuptofascism
Wire Mill Dam, early spring #photography #photographyfriday
#photographyfriday #photography
Alright here’s the last of the batch of my photos I took this week!
All shot with that little manual focus 25mm lens
#photographyfriday #photography