Y’all hear of cloud iridescence (also called irisation)? It’s an optical illusion when clouds are impacted by the sun or moon. Like soap bubbles.
It’s a real thing and it’s gorgeous. I’ve seen countless photos/videos of the phenomenon, but never in real life. Maybe one day?
#Clouds #Nature #Sky #CloudIridescence #OpticalIllusion #Photometeor #Science #Nephology
#nephology #science #photometeor #opticalillusion #cloudiridescence #sky #nature #clouds
If you are interested by those #photometeor, here is an amazing #picture of the #Sun with so many of them, as annotated on the second picture.
They are the result of #Sun's reflections and refractions into tiny ice crystals (in clouds or fog) of various shapes, which act as mirrors or prisms.
source: https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2019/12/michael-schneider-ice-halo-photograph/
credits: Michael Schneider
#photometeor #picture #sun #photography #halo