(Yet more) Master Mode Terraria with only left and right click (ft. Photon & Adventurer32) #adventurer32 #ChairTerraria #photon #teraria #terasteel #Terraria #Terraria1.4.4 #TerrariaChallenge #TerrariaChallengeRun #TerrariaMouseButtonChallenge #TerrariaMouseOnly #TerrariaNoKeyboardChallenge #TerrariaNoMovement #TerrariaNoMovementChallenge #TerrariaNoMovementKeys #TerrariaStream #TerrariaTheory #TerrariaTrivia #TerrariaVideos #TerrariaWithoutKeyboard #terrasteel #terrraria
#adventurer32 #chairterraria #photon #teraria #terasteel #terraria #terraria1 #terrariachallenge #terrariachallengerun #terrariamousebuttonchallenge #terrariamouseonly #terrarianokeyboardchallenge #terrarianomovement #terrarianomovementchallenge #terrarianomovementkeys #terrariastream #terrariatheory #terrariatrivia #terrariavideos #terrariawithoutkeyboard #terrasteel #terrraria
Photon Tale【通常盤】
#Photon Maiden
Photon Tale【Blu-ray付生産限定盤】
#Photon Maiden
Photon Tale【通常盤】
#Photon Maiden
#ArvinAsh - Why No One Knows If #Photons Really Are #Massless: What if they Aren't?
#PhilosophyOfScience #Science #Physics #Optics #Mass #Relativity #SpecialRelativity #Photon #Cosmology #Astronomy #Astrophysics #CMB #CosmicMicrowaveBackground
#cosmicmicrowavebackground #cmb #astrophysics #astronomy #cosmology #photon #specialrelativity #relativity #mass #optics #physics #science #philosophyofscience #massless #photons #ArvinAsh
I created two open source releases this week:
* tdnf 3.5.4:
* open-vmdk 0.3.1:
#Linux #opensource #photon #vmware
I don't know about you guys, but I'm looking forward to #TheMarvels! Check out my reaction to the trailer, including my first ever attempt at a full trailer breakdown!
#themarvels #captainmarvel #msmarvel #photon #nickfury
NEW #TRAILER out today for #TheMarvels , revealing much more about the plot, villain, and #Flerken than we've yet seen.
Currently scheduled for release Nov.10th-- but these days, there's no certainty that the dual #SAGAFTRA and #WGA #Strikes might not change that.
#NickFury #CaptainMarvel #MsMarvel #KamalaKahn #MonicaRambeau #Photon #CarolDanvers #BrieLarson #ImanVellani #TeyonahParris #ZaweAshton #MCU #MarvelComics #SamuelLJackson #MCUPhase5 #SecretInvasion #Marvels
#trailer #themarvels #flerken #sagaftra #wga #strikes #nickfury #captainmarvel #msmarvel #kamalakahn #MonicaRambeau #photon #caroldanvers #brielarson #imanvellani #teyonahparris #zaweashton #mcu #marvelcomics #samuelljackson #mcuphase5 #secretinvasion #marvels
5 Of The #Biggest #Animals To Ever Live On #Earth : Disc Mag
A daytime #Nap is good for the #Brain : BBC
One #Photon is all it takes to kick off #photosynthesis : Sci News
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #photosynthesis #photon #brain #nap #Earth #Animals #biggest
#Photosynthesis starts with a single #photon, study shows.
#photosynthesis #photon #bacteriochlorophyll
Dank Röntgenfluoreszenz (#XRF) kann durch eine spektrale Messung die elementare Aufbau von Materie analysiert werden.
Ähnlich zur optischen #Fluoreszenz wird ein #Atom angeregt: Ein #Photon mit Energie oberhalb einer Absorptionsschale kann vom Atom absorbiert werden, woraufhin ein #Elektron die Hülle verlässt (Ionisation), oder auf eine energetisch höhere Bahn gebracht wird.
#elektron #photon #atom #fluoreszenz #xrf
#Higgs-Boson zerfällt in ein #Photon und ein ein Z-Boson?
#Physik - Standardmodell der #Elementarteilchen in Frage gestellt.
#Higgs #photon #physik #Elementarteilchen
#BellsTheorem: The #Quantum #VennDiagram #Paradox
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Physics #QuantumPhysics #QM #QuantumMechanics #Entanglement #Locality #NonLocality #HiddenVariables #Photon #Photons #QuantumMeasurement #EPR #EPRParadox #Einstein #Podolsky #Rosen #EinsteinPodolskyRosen #BellInequality
#bellinequality #einsteinpodolskyrosen #rosen #podolsky #einstein #eprparadox #epr #quantummeasurement #photons #photon #hiddenvariables #nonlocality #locality #entanglement #quantummechanics #qm #quantumphysics #physics #philosophyofscience #philosophy #paradox #venndiagram #quantum #bellstheorem
Ich habe bei Wetter-Apps lange nach etwas gesucht, dass einen lokalen Wetterradar bietet und bin da irgendwann bei #RadarWeather gelandet:
Braucht einen kostenlosen API.l-Key der #OpenWeatherMap.
Einziger Negativpunkt wäre höchstens die Nutzung von Komoots #Photon-Dienst beim Hinzufügen von Standorten 🤷
#radarweather #openweathermap #photon
Endlich hatte ich wieder Zeit, auf meinem Fotoblog einen Text zu veröffentlichen. Ich stelle die Photon Gallery in Wien vor. Die ist absolut sehenswert! Schaut euch einfach den Beitrag auf meiner HP an: www, #photon #photon gallery #rotlichtfestival
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Neutron star's #X-rays reveal '#photon metamorphosis' @cornell @PNASNews
A custom-built electric motorcycle called the Photon – built on the Royal Enfield Classic. Yes god damm please. That is one beautiful motor. #motorbike #photon #royalenfield
#motorbike #photon #royalenfield
Predictable, but still upsetting.
Difficult not to feel resentful when straight white male characters receive so much love (even when they’re villains) while women, POC and/or LGBTQ receive so much hatred the minute they are mentioned.
#TheMarvels #Photon #MsMarvel #CaptainMarvel #MCU
“‘The Marvels’ Trailer Becomes Most Disliked in YouTube History Due to Women Superheroes” by Kylie Cheung at #Jezebel
#jezebel #mcu #captainmarvel #msmarvel #photon #TheMarvels
it's disappointing seeing the dislikes overthrow likes on the #TheMarvels trailer. it actually looks really fun and something I'd like to watch.
(return YouTube dislikes extension! - 456K 👍 vs 509K 👎) #Marvel #MarvelStudios #CaptainMarvel #MsMarvel #Photon
#themarvels #marvel #marvelstudios #captainmarvel #MsMarvel #photon