My photo of the week: Red-eyed Vireo.
Not the best photo, since the bird was hidden by the shadows of leaves and branches. I managed to get a few photos before it disappeared from view completely.
Usually a bird I hear long before I see it.
#PhotoOfTheWeek #RedEyedVireo #birds #birding #OakwoodsMetropark #Michigan
#Michigan #oakwoodsmetropark #birding #Birds #redeyedvireo #photooftheweek
My photo of the week: maroon-colored Big bluestem prairie grass waving in the breeze in the early morning at Lake Erie Metropark.
One for the "Big Four" native grasses of central North America, Big bluestem is part of a relatively new native prairie planting at the park.
#PhotoOfTheWeek #BigBluestem #NativePlants #LakeErieMetropark #Michigan
#Michigan #lakeeriemetropark #nativeplants #bigbluestem #photooftheweek
My photo of the week: major flooding and a tornado come to my hometown.
#tornado #flood #Michigan #photooftheweek
My photo of the week: Little Blue Heron seen at Howard Marsh in northwest Ohio.
Surprisingly, it's the second Little Blue Heron I've seen this month.
A rare bird for our area.
#littleblueheron #birding #Birds #photooftheweek
My photo of the week: blue skies.
The coast #photography #photooftheweek #nature
#nature #photooftheweek #photography
#photography #photooftheweek seaside, it's still there #photooftheday
#photooftheday #photooftheweek #photography
My photo of the week: the beautiful red Sturgeon Moon that rose the first day of August.
#fullmoon #sturgeonmoon #photooftheweek
My photo of the week: it was a morning for Cliff Swallows.
#cliffswallow #birding #Birds #photooftheweek
My photo of the week:
Another Roseate Spoonbill finds its way to Michigan.
Two years ago, our birding community was thrilled when a Roseate Spoonbill was reported in southeast Michigan.
It was a first state record. Hundreds of people went to see the bird. (Yes, I was one of them!)
And now another Roseate Spoonbill has shown up at a small park in Jackson.
#Michigan #photooftheweek #roseatespoonbill #birding #Birds
My photo of the week: rainbow at the airport.
What was fascinating about the rainbow was how low it was, how close it was (only a few hundred feet), and how I could see through the rainbow to the trees behind it.
#Michigan #rainbow #photooftheweek
[New post] My photo of the week: Short-billed Dowitcher.
It was nice to see it without having to peer through a spotting scope.
#photooftheweek #birding #Birds
My photo of the week: Monarch butterfly on Swamp Milkweed in my backyard.
With plans to create a more butterfly and bird friendly yard, I planted the milkweed last year. This year the plants are in full bloom.
#butterfly #monarchbutterfly #photooftheweek
They're back!
My photo of the week: it's Mayfly season in southeast Michigan.
That's not a bad thing. Mayflies are an indicator of good water quality.
#Michigan #photooftheweek #mayfly
My photo of the week: happy Father's Day!
#photooftheweek #HappyFathersDay #father
My photo of the week: pollinator garden in bloom at our public library.
#wildflowers #Michigan #photooftheweek #pollinatorgarden
It's a first for me.
My photo of the week: raking leaves in Michigan in June.
My photo of the week: American Redstart at the neighborhood park.
#birding #Birds #photooftheweek
My photo of the week: Michigan state rowing championships on Kent Lake at Kensington Metropark this weekend.
An #urbex video from this cars:
Abandoned cars (Lost Volvo) Belgium February 2020 #abandoned #cars #Belgium #Belgie #YouTube #lostplaces #lostplace #photography #PhotoOfTheWeek #photo #foto #fotografie #car #auto #Volvo #vehicle #vehicles #rusty #decay
#decay #rusty #vehicles #vehicle #volvo #auto #car #fotografie #foto #photo #photooftheweek #photography #lostplace #lostplaces #youtube #belgie #belgium #cars #abandoned #urbex