Мне очень понравилась фотоистория (или репортаж) Энн Ван про то, как тайбэйка Вивиан Тун заморозила свою яйцеклетку: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/taiwan-fertility/ #AnnWang #contemporaryphotography #report #photostory #urbanportrait #portrait #hospitals #eggfreezing #Taipei #2020s
#annwang #contemporaryphotography #report #photostory #urbanportrait #portrait #hospitals #eggfreezing #taipei #2020s
Ok, I'm safely home now.
Though I have to admit to being a bit puzzled about apparently having brought home cat food.
On the other hand, a cat seem to be living here now. I guess it all balances out in the end.
As he wrote me this morning, here is a secound piece by Ali Baroodi
"Walk by the Wall. A resident of Mosul recounts life under Saddam, the Americans, and ISIS"
#Iraq #middleeast #Daesh #Saddam #Mosul #Americans #photography #photostory
#iraq #middleeast #daesh #saddam #mosul #americans #photography #photostory
Today, my #students had to take some pictures for a #photostory.
They wrote some #christmas #scenes before im small groups of 4/5.
I want to collect all these scenes and photostories, so we can print a small #booklet.
So good, that they can work with tablets in school.
#students #photostory #christmas #scenes #booklet
Today, my #students had to take some pictures for a #photostory.
They wrote some #christmas #scenes before im small groups of 4/5.
I want to collect all these scenes and photostories, so we can print a small #booklet.
So good, that they can work with tablets in school.
#students #photostory #christmas #scenes #booklet
I've "lost" a few friends to Twitter, including the great Ali Baroodi, a #photographer and university teacher from #Mosul, #Iraq. As a replacement, I now get pictures via WhattsApp. Nevertheless, he should not be undermentioned here and some of his articles will be presented. Let's start with graffiti:
Mosul's Walls Tell a Story of Brutality and Recovery - https://newlinesmag.com/photo-essays/mosuls-walls-tell-a-story-of-brutality-and-recovery/
#middleeast #iraq #photography #graffiti #photostory #fotografie
#photographer #mosul #iraq #middleeast #photography #graffiti #photostory #fotografie
short photo picture poetry
#commaful #journey #silence #fog #photostory #poem #poetry
சித்திரைத் திருவிழாவின் போது கள்ளர் சாதியினர் மட்டும் பயன்படுத்தும் மண்டபம் "மாங்குளம் கிராமத்தார்கள் மண்டபம்" இது.
அழகர் கோயில் குறித்த மேலும் படங்களையும் தொ.ப. அவர்களின் நூலில் இருந்து தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட எழுத்துக்களையும் படிக்க > https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SuryaCEG/n-a-798069
Published a photostory on Azhagar Koil in Madurai through the words of great Tamil scholar Tho. Pa.
Read, share & support. Thanks
#ThoPa #travel #photostory @buymeacoffee@twitter.com
சென்ற வாரம் அழகர்கோயில் சென்றிருந்தபோது எடுத்த சில படங்களை அறிஞர் தொ. ப. அவர்களின் எழுத்துக்கள் வழியே ஒரு படக்கட்டுரையாகப் பதிப்பித்துள்ளேன்.
படிக்கவும் பகிரவும் ஆதரிக்கவும், நன்றி.
#ThoPa #photostory @buymeacoffee@twitter.com