Немного про передний план, а то слишком часто уже вижу, что его игнорируют. :)
"Lightroom Classic: Dodge & Burn With More Power" (arr arr arr)
How to update the (wimpy) built-in Local Adjustment Presets. :)
#photography #phototips #lightroom
Немного про передний план, а то слишком часто уже вижу, что его игнорируют. :)
Рано утром (в 4) снова едем фотографировать пейзажи . С собой беру уже традиционные перчатки. И обязательно - наколенники. Завтра утром они - моё спасение, так как я часто снимаю с самой нижней точки. Забавно, но я до сих пор не знаю насколько высоко можно поставить мой фотоаппарат на штативе.
Наколенники можно купить в любом спортивном магазине. И они действительно необходимы, чтобы брать их в поездку.
"Зачем нужен пульт?" Всё просто: хороший кадр МОЖЕТ получиться и у того, кто взял фотоаппрат в руки в первый раз. Цифровая техника приучила, что можно расслабить извилины и снять тысячу кадров, а потом выбрать 10 удачных. Но специалист ДОЛЖЕН получить достойный кадр. Должен. В том числе без “мыла”. А помогут в этом штатив, предварительное поднятие зеркала (если есть) и пультик. Даже самый простой. Достаточный аргумент, чтобы потратиться и потом не забывать его в рюкзаке? :)
Photography tips from 1857 by Lady Elizabeth Eastlake.
5. Pictures taken slightly out of focus, that is, with slightly uncertain and undefined forms, though less chemically, would be found more artistically beautiful. The worse photography could be the better art.
#phototips #photography #ladyelizabetheastlake
Photography tips from 1857 by Lady Elizabeth Eastlake.
4. Things that are very smooth, or certain complexions, and parts of the human face on which the judge 5 shines, as well as everything that is perfectly white, will photograph much faster than other objects. ... By the time the rest of the picture has fallen into position, what are called the high lights have so rioted in action as to be found far too prominent both in size and intensity.
#phototips #photography #ladyelizabetheastlake
Photography tips from 1857 by Lady Elizabeth Eastlake.
3. Contrary, indeed, to all preconceived ideas, experience proves the brighter the sky that shines above the camera the more tardy the action within it. ... The temperate [climate] of this country may be most favourable to photography, humidity being indispensable condition for the working state both of paper and chemicals.
#phototips #photography #ladyelizabetheastlake
Photography tips from 1857 by Lady Elizabeth Eastlake.
3. Contrary, indeed, to all preconceived ideas, experience proves the brighter the sky that shines above the camera the more tardy the action within it. ... The temperate [climate] of this country may be most favourable to photography, humidity being indispensable condition for the working state both of paper and chemicals.
#phototips #photography #ladyelizabetheastlake
Photography tips from 1857 by Lady Elizabeth Eastlake.
2. As a general rule, too, however numerous the exceptions, the cloudy day is better than the sunny one.
#phototips #photography #ladyelizabetheastlake
Photography tips from 1857 by Lady Elizabeth Eastlake.
1. It has been observed by Daguerre and subsequent photographers that the sun is far more active, in a photographic sense, for the two hours before, than the two hours after it has passed the meridian.
#phototips #photography #ladyelizabetheastlake
I initiated a Winter Photo Challenge for my photo club. Tips for successful winter/snow/ice photos. Manual or Ap mode; shoot in Raw; slightly overexpose; rely on histogram; center weighted metering; use lens hood & polarizer; look for contrast & color; include wildlife, people, structures.
#Photography #Winter #PhotoTips
2 examples I will submit. Click on 2nd to expand.
#photography #winter #phototips
Lesson: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
#photography #photographer #business #SocialMedia #photoTips
#phototips #socialmedia #business #photographer #photography
Been out capturing scenes with my dSLR...34 degrees F out at the Cove this morning. The sunrise behind the Twin LIghthouses on Thacher Island was beautiful. Waiting for my camera to warm up before processing photos from the card. It is warming slowly in the camera case. #photography #phototips #amyartboston
#photography #phototips #amyartboston
Now that holiday lights are going up here's a fun and easy trick. Works with any shape you can cut out ❤️ ⭐ 🌙 🔷
(not my photos)
#bokeh #phototips #photography
#photooftheday I was shocked when I developed this that it turned out well. Low light situations are tricky. Holding still while keeping a low shutter speed is key. 🔑
#photography #filmphotography #art #photographer #nikon #phototips
#photooftheday #photography #filmphotography #art #photographer #nikon #phototips
Jeden z najlepszych tutoriali na temat szybkiej i podstawowej edycji zdjec, na jakie ostatnio natrafilem #fotografia #phototips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuippGP9o7Y
Here is a photographer's trick that could help save your equipment. If you are photographing in cold weather, try to have a case that is also cold to place your equipment in when you are warm inside. That way the sensitive photo equipment will be less likely to condense. If you do not have a case or bag with you, simply wrap your camera in your coat with the outside wrapped around the camera. Let it sit 20 minutes or so in the warmth and all should be well. #phototips #photography
@mark @Wendy_Darling
#Photography #iPhone #iPhoneCamera
Here's how to remove backgrounds:
>> iOS 16 has a new feature that lets you easily remove an image from its background — here's how to use it
#photography #iphone #iphonecamera #phototips
Don’t let your local home location stop you from doing photography. You don’t have to travel half the globe!
There is beauty everywhere! As you photograph more, your eye will get more and more trained in the art of photography.
#phototips #cameratips #photo #landscapephotography #landscapephotographer #photographer
#phototips #cameratips #photo #landscapephotography #landscapephotographer #photographer