I know this is a bit of #php but in a way it is 🤔 I have a function that builds a Dropdown / select that has a Class. I need to style it with #css But I'm Not too good at that 😞 So I'm looking for some Help Please if there are any #css coders that could help with just #css only ? Please ? 😀 Blue or Grey /Gray Pastel colours Please , Thank-You 😀
I know this is a bit of #php but in a way it is 🤔 I have a function that builds a Dropdown / select that has a Class. I need to style it with #css But I'm Not too good at that 😞 So I'm looking for some Help Please if there are any #css coders that could help with just #css only ? Please ? 😀 Blue or Grey /Gray Pastel colours Please , Thank-You 😀
Don't miss @dunglas's opening keynote at the #APIPlatformCon. A new application server, performance optimizations, faster #Docker builds... We will explore how these improvements in API Platform 3.2 can benefit the broader #PHP ecosystem!
#TYPO3 12.4.6 and 11.5.31 maintenance releases published. Both TYPO3 maintenance versions add support for #PHP 8.3.
Boy, that's fast! 🚀
'98 : Début de carrière avec des langages libres
les 3 P : #Perl puis #PHP et enfin au détour d'une pyconfr à Paris en 2012, #Python (et nan pas de #pascal;)
Je partais avec aucun background de DEV,... mais de comptable 🤓
Tout appris all alone, je sais pas ce qui m'a pris, l'engouement pour Linux et le "libre" sûrement 🤣
Et enfin cette semaine, qq décennies plus tard, je suis une formation "pro" sur ... Python krkrkr 👍
Me servira-t-elle ?
#syndromedelimposteur #pascal #python #php #perl
One day, one decomposition
A039004: Numbers whose base-4 representation has the same number of 1's and 2's
3D graph, threejs - webGL ➡️ https://decompwlj.com/3Dgraph/A039004.html
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️ https://decompwlj.com/2Dgraph500terms/A039004.html
#decompwlj #maths #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #base #representation #graph #threejs #webGL
#webgl #threejs #graph #representation #base #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #maths #decompwlj
I'm a dev working on Kahu.io, but I want to take a little break from it (~1 week or so). Let me know if I can build something useful for you using #tailwindcss #php #postgresql #rabbitmq #redis #docker (RT if you want to help improve my offer reach)
#tailwindcss #php #postgresql #rabbitmq #redis #docker
TIL that #PHP has a dedicated function to calculate exp($x) - 1.
You can save quite some typing by using expm1($x);
It means exponential minus one.
One of my favorite math joke is to tell people that 'Some infinites are larger than others' (Which is true, see https://cantorsparadise.com/why-some-infinities-are-larger-than-others-fc26863b872f).
At the same time, in #PHP, infinite is accessible to anyone.
#developers - how do you make a decision about which language to use?
I have a private project with a pal - no timeframe on it, we're very much doing it 'for fun'. We could whip it up with #Python fairly easily but we're keen to try out new stuff.
We talked about #PHP but neither of us are very enthusiastic.
We've settled on building the first step in #Rust, #Haskell and Python - to give ourselves an idea of which one looks like fun.
So the question, really - if you're starting a project and there's no clear reason to use language a over b, how to you make that decision?
#developers #python #php #rust #haskell
Webframework CakePHP 5.0 führt Union Types ein
Version 5.0 des Webframeworks legt Union Types als Standard fest, aktualisiert auf PHP 8.1 sowie PHPUnit 10.x und bringt Neues für die Datenbank.
Quelques pistes pour migrer vos sites vers PHP 8.
Adapter et migrer votre ancien site PHP vers PHP8 - Alsacreations
I try to automate things where I can. And if I can't automate fully, I like to at least standardize part of the process. GitHub issue templates are really useful for this. Here's an example of how I use them for publishing my Laravel newsletter. #laravel #php https://masteringlaravel.io/daily/2023-09-11-use-github-issue-templates-to-save-time
#PHP’s subdomain wildcard certificate expired, everything except the main website throws security errors 👍
Hodně zajímavý test, který zcela vyvrací mýty například o "rychlosti" WordPressu. Codeigniter 4 je například víc jak 10x rychlejší 😏 Test paměťové náročnosti by taky nebyl k zahození, rozdíl by byl ještě násobně větší 😂
The Definitive PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, and 8.1 Benchmarks (2023)