I've set up #neovim with #phpactor (p) and another with #intelephense (i) I used Mason to install each.
What I noticed:
- The calculated root_dir fails for (p); it uses PWD
- BOTH give me signature help and completions (p) is slower and seems to crash on providing signatures for completion.
- BOTH let me jump to definition, though (i) is noticeably faster at this.
- Far fewer diagnostics from phpactor (no static analysis? Perhaps I need to add PHPStan as well?)
#neovim #phpactor #intelephense
Using an #LSP server in #neovim for working with #Moodle has accelerated my workflow, but from time to time jumping to certain function declarations fails while still pushing one CPU core to 100 percent.
Maybe #phpactor is unfit for Moodle’s codebase? It also gives many false errors.
I might try #phan or #psalm instead, or even just use #ctags again.
#LSP #neovim #moodle #phpactor #Phan #Psalm #ctags #php #nvim #webdev
#phpactor is fast enough for me on most projects, but I tried contributing to PHPstan the other day and it was unusable (big, complicated files). So going to invest some time into making it more efficient. Esp. now I'm temporarily liberated from work responsibilities :D
🆗 some follow ups. I've uninstalled the #intelephense npm package and I'm now connecting to #lsp provided by #phpactor installed globally.
Sadly I wasn't able to use felixfbecker/language-server (as described in docs) since it's development is discontinued and it is not #php8 compatible.
I'm still missing completion and probably some other functionalities I'm unaware of.
If only I'd find & fix the intelephense issue 🙏 .
#intelephense #lsp #phpactor #php8
Written a bit of a silly blog post about the Phpactor Container. - The Best Container: https://www.dantleech.com/blog/2022/10/17/the-best-container not really sure I make my point though #php #phpactor
Quick reminder that you can sponsor some great developers on #Github for their FOSS projects.
I personally sponsor each month @dantleech and @ondrejmirtes for their a-ma-zing work on respectively #phpactor and #phpstan.
If we all give 5€ per month to the creators of #FOSS projects we use and love, it can make a huge difference. ❤️
#github #phpactor #Phpstan #foss