I didn't catch
@vanamerongen's Git talk in-person at #phpuk23 (I saw a version at another conf) but it's really good, and the video is available right now!
If you've missed me @longhorn or #phpuk23 you can now see my talk "Your Software is Mission Critical" here https://youtu.be/nTpr0aYKXD0
If you did catch me, or you watch the video, I'd love to know your thoughts!
My talk "Effective Code Review" that I gave at #phpuk23 is now available on YouTube.
If you're thinking of introducing code review to your workflow, or you're not getting much benefit from code review, hopefully my talk will help you:
I had a great time at the PHP UK conference last week. Lots of great talks and lots of useful things to take away.
Great to catch up with old friends and meet new people.
If anyone has any questions from my talks, then please do reach out. More than happy to try and answer any questions you might have.
Big thanks to everyone who came up to me after my talk »Bugfixing your career« at #phpuk23 last week!
Your kind words mean the world to me. It's always gratifying to know that my message resonated with you on a deeper level.
Hope you all had a great #MondayFeeling today 😎
For those of y'all who have recently signed up for phpc.social, including folks who heard about us at #phpuk23, welcome!
With the latest wave of signups, we're now comfortably above 3600 users. Migration from Twitter continues apace, so I figure we'll hit 4k users by the end of next month. We still have a decent amount of infrastructure headroom, and will watch closely in case we need to tweak things to handle a sustained higher level of traffic.
Interesting element of #phpuk23 was the prevalence of talk about Rust. 2 talks I attended were directly about Rust but lots of anecdotal mentions too. The fact that PHP devs are now looking more towards compiled strict languages rather than dynamic web dev competitors says a lot about how the language has matured I think.
Finally crashed on the couch after #phpuk23 and volunteering at a chess tournament with a couple hundred kids. Nothing planned for tomorrow luckily. Time to rest up for work.
#phpuk23 was really great, sad to have missed the last keynote and some talks due to time conflicts. 1'm happy to have met so many amazing people, but also glad to have had the day off from work yesterday to regain energy as interacting with people constantly was somehow a bit exhausting.
I had a fantastic trip to London to speak at #phpuk23 and attend #RustNationUK - thank you to the organisers for letting me speak at #phpuk23 and everyone who came to my talk ❤️ if you wanted to ask me anything but didn't get a chance, just send me a DM!
Good article about the problem of absolutism and hubris when developers try to define real world things (maybe extra interesting for those who caught my #phpuk23 keynote)
"because people needed to perform the bureaucratic ritual necessary to have the name they'd used all along be recognized in these new, brittle, ambiguity-incinerating machines."
#phpuk23 was an amazing conference, very good organized with very inspirational talks & talkers
Anyone from #phpuk23 still around who wants to grab diner this evening, say >= 6 or 6:15pm?
#phpuk23 was a blast and had amazing keynotes from @m1ke and Naomi Gotts, a brilliant talk about the decentralized web (not the crypto kind) by @vanamerongen, a quality rant by @SecondeJ, a productive workshop by Keren Kenzi, too many good talks that I couldn't all attend (apparently Dave has a Super 10/10 talk).
But also so many new people I've met and talked to about interesting topics, and who were willing to suffer through my maths lecture about PHP's type system. :D
Just published my slides for my #phpuk23 talk "PHP’s Type System Dissected" on my website: https://gpb.moe/doc/slides/PHP_Type_System_Talk_PHPUK2023.pdf
The LaTeX source code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/Girgias/PHP-Type-System-Talk-EN
Had an awesome time speaking at #phpuk23 about Rust For PHP Developers! Huge thanks to PHP UK Conference for having me and to all the attendees who made it such a great experience. Can't wait for next year's event! 🇬🇧
Conferences are always a nice reminder how hard social interactions are for me.
Thank you to everyone who came over to chat at #phpuk23.
And thank you for applying the pacman rule 👍
Had a great time at #phpuk23, just had dinner with a bunch of people but now it's time to rest.
Thank you attendees, organisers, sponsors and speakers.
Hope to see you next year!