I’m going to ask about A B phones.
I know they were coin phones but my husband refuses to tell me anything beyond that because he wants to hear what all of you have to say.
We are at a bar in Las Vegas and I need your help. Please come to my aid!!!
(Pic attached is my husband being a smug bastard. I love him 🤣❤️)
#mastodaoine #irish #ireland #phreaking #phones #eire #eireann
#mastodaoine #irish #ireland #phreaking #phones #eire #eireann
I asked #chatgpt to come up with a list of 80s-90s hacking and phreaking related books and here is what I got. Spoiler alert: it's pretty much what most humans have suggested too. List in thread below 🧵👇 #infosec #retrocomputing #hacking #phreaking
#chatgpt #infosec #retrocomputing #hacking #phreaking
Finally, if it's the 1980s and you're into #phreaking, well of course you read the work of BIOC Agent 03:
YAY! :D Happy Birthday No 5 Crossbar! The coolest piece of machinery probably ever created. If you haven't seen Sarah's videos...GO WATCH THEM! They are soooooo good...and kinda ASMR-ey :D #phones #phreaking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VotDlAVSDJo&ab_channel=ConnectionsMuseum
Hummm... My old adversary, #KevinMitnick died.
I'll never be asked to contribute to his #obituary but he was the best #Social #Engineer I ever knew and I think he'd have been pleased to hear that -- So if he faked his death just to get that out of me, you are still a bastard, Mr Mitnick!
#RIP #Mitnick #Security #Hackers #Hacking #Hacker #Hack #News #SocialEngineers #DEC #Digital #VMS #Phreaking
#phreaking #vms #Digital #dec #socialengineers #News #Hack #hacker #Hacking #Hackers #Security #mitnick #RIP #engineer #Social #obituary #kevinmitnick
Rest in peace, Kevin Mitnick: https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/las-vegas-nv/kevin-mitnick-11371668
I don't know if younger people know him now, but in his prime he was the most famous hacker in the world, not only in the modern widely-accepted sense (someone who breaks into computers for whatever reason) but also in the original sense.
His talk at Google in 2011: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUqes9QdLQ4
#KevinMitnick #RIP #Obituary #Hackers #Infosec #Cybersecurity #Phreaking #Hacking #Technology
#kevinmitnick #rip #obituary #hackers #infosec #cybersecurity #phreaking #hacking #technology
Pirating a satellite and making free phone calls https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2njqPpFXhMI&pp=ygUmcGlyYXRpbmcgYSBzYXRlbGxpdGUgbWFraW5nIHBob25lIGNhbGw%3D #phreaking
Included in an ad for disk drive manuals...
https://archive.org/details/computer-shopper-february-1986/Computer_Shopper_February_1986_Readable/page/90/mode/2up?view=theater #computershopper #infosec #hacking #phreaking
#computershopper #infosec #hacking #phreaking
Really slick, and kinda funny video about #fax machines #phreaking #phones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuUyt9RG7pk&ab_channel=timhunkin
Very slick! #phreaking #phones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLUD_NGE370&t=34s&ab_channel=CharlieDeanArchives
Great #video deep dive on how blue boxes worked. This is the meaning behind the number @2600
It's time for the young'uns to learn & get more educated about #HackerHistory ^_^
#Phreaking #Hacking #Phreaker #Hacker #Twenty600 #HackingIsNotACrime #HackingIsNotInfoSec #InfoSec #HackTheSystem #HackThePlanet
#video #hackerhistory #phreaking #hacking #phreaker #hacker #twenty600 #hackingisnotacrime #hackingisnotinfosec #infosec #hackthesystem #hacktheplanet
"2600? How #Phreaking Really Worked"
#phreaking #connections #museum #telephone #history
2600? How Phreaking Really Worked.
This is a really awesome video demonstrating how phone phreaking worked on real telephone switches at the Connections Museum.
#video #tech #hacking #phreaking
Target store phone phreaking attack allows unfettered access to their intercom system. The ‘70’s called and want their hack back, no they literally called.
Hello phreaks and hackers! I just fully modernized my python blue box DTMF tone generator, apparently someone was actually using it :blobcatawauu: check it out! https://github.com/zeyus/Python3BlueBox
#phreak #phreaks #phreaking #dtmf #bluebox #blueboxing #python #coding
#phreak #phreaks #phreaking #dtmf #bluebox #blueboxing #python #coding
I'm not #phreaking in dunkin donuts I'm listening to an audio file on the #dtmf #Wikipedia page with no headphones which is much weirder
Any old #phone #phreaks about? I’ve seen a couple of historical references recently to people #phreaking transatlantic calls from the USA to London, terminating the call on a payphone at Waterloo train station because it was in a busy area and was likely to be answered by a passer by.
Most of those #payphones are long gone, but
Does anyone have a record of what the #payphone number was?
#payphone #payphones #phreaking #phreaks #Phone
I call this one "Phreaking memories"
#phone #phreaking #payphone #streetart #abandoned #photography #telefono #publico #arteurbano #abandonado #telecom #monagimenez
#phone #phreaking #payphone #streetart #abandoned #photography #telefono #publico #arteurbano #abandonado #telecom #monagimenez