#PHS: In der #DécennieTM wird weiter konsequent auf Open Access gesetzt: Die Buchreihe Pariser Historische Studien erscheint fortan im sofortigen OA finanziert durch das DHIP (#DiamondOA) bei Heidelberg University Publishing. Ein gedrucktes Buch gibt es auf Wunsch aber auch #hybrid.
Und übrigens: In die Türen der Metrolinie 1 hat eine unbekannte Person das Kürzel #PHS eingeritzt. Auch wenn das DHIP Vandalismus nicht befürwortet, freuen wir uns, dass die Buchreihe so viel Anklang findet ;-)
#phs #decennietm #diamondoa #hybrid
書きました! / 着信アリで登場した、携帯電話たち - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#au #KDDI #NTTdocomo #Softbank #Vodafone #ジェイフォン #PHS #ガラケー #Report
#report #ガラケー #phs #ジェイフォン #vodafone #softbank #nttdocomo #kddi #au
Here's a second installment, all ikebana (Japanese flower arrangements) from various "schools"... #PHS #FlowerShow #Philadelphia
#phs #flowershow #philadelphia
I managed to get groggily through my ambitions for the day (including late-day yoga!), so I'm celebrating with a few favorite shots from the #PHS Flower Show earlier this week. There's a lot of flash, but I found I liked the little container plantings, Ikebana arrangements, and generally things more human-scaled than the entrance display and full landscapes. (Also, you can breathe in those areas!)
#Philadelphia #plants #FlowerShow
#phs #philadelphia #plants #flowershow
Had a bit of a crazy day, but wanted to offer this from the #PHS Flower Show for #ThickTrunkTuesday and #mosstodon. I think this bonsai azalea is about 75 years old -- if you look at the size of the leaves, I think you'll agree that this counts as a Thick Trunk!! :)
#phs #thicktrunktuesday #Mosstodon
Check out the "mistletoe cutters" on this display of gardening tools at the Philadelphia Flower Show. I had no idea these even existed and now I want one. And I don't even have a mistletoe problem. #parasite #tool #flowers #gardening #plants #PHS #Philadelphia #botany #PhiladelphiaFlowerShow
#parasite #tool #flowers #gardening #plants #phs #philadelphia #botany #philadelphiaflowershow
Four pics from the Philadelphia Flower Show. #Philadelphia #flowers #gardening #plants #PHS #PhiladelphiaFlowerShow
#philadelphia #flowers #gardening #plants #phs #philadelphiaflowershow
In Schiedam zijn al eerste contouren te zien van de grote woningbouwopgave waar we in de Randstad voor staan. Stedelijk bouwen in de nabijheid van OV knooppunten, zodat je makkelijk en snel overal heen kan. #Verstedelijkingsalliantie #OudeLijn #MIRT #PHS
#phs #MIRT #oudelijn #verstedelijkingsalliantie
#Password #expiration for accounts no longer makes sense and is not recommended if multi-factor authentication (#MFA) is used. For this reason, it is recommended to disable password expiration in the #Microsoft365 environment as well.
But what if the company has synchronized identities in the Password Hash Sync (#PHS) scenario? In that case, the #AzureAD password expiration policy is not applied to the synchronized accounts. And such accounts passwords are always set to never expire. It is assumed that in such a case the policy in Active Directory handles this.
But what if the user never authenticates to the local AD? The computer has Azure AD Join and the user is only using cloud services. The password for his AD account has expired, but he doesn't even know about it, and Azure AD still authenticates the user because passwords for synchronized accounts never expire.
In this case, you need to configure the Azure AD Connect server to apply the Azure AD password expiration policy also to synchronized accounts. This can be done using PowerShell on the Azure AD Connect server: Set-MsolDirSyncFeature -Feature EnforceCloudPasswordPolicyForPasswordSyncedUsers
#password #expiration #mfa #microsoft365 #phs #azuread
RT @solarpapst
@Rainer_Klute @3811015 @Nuklearia #hydro #storage #capacity in #Norway : lake system already offers 7.8 TWh. 1000 times the capacity of #PHS #Goldisthal. #Energiewende- 50% of storage to allow #Germany to run on 100% #renewables . Interconnection via #nordlink #Norger, but 30 times bigger.
#NORGER #nordlink #renewables #germany #energiewende #goldisthal #phs #norway #capacity #storage #hydro
狡いなあ。や、 #新ウィルコム定額プラン GSの #PHS データ通信無料をシバこうってユーザも狡いけど
PHSデータ通信に関する技術情報|その他技術情報|開発者向け情報|AQUOS:シャープ https://k-tai.sharp.co.jp/support/developers/others/phs_data.html