Only 255 images to go before we reach 8000! (And there are currently 187 awaiting review.) #silhouette #clipart #freeart #creativecommons #phylopic #biology #sciart #illustration
#silhouette #clipart #freeart #creativecommons #phylopic #biology #sciart #illustration
One of the coolest things about rphylopic r package is that you can see all the silhouettes associated with a species in RStudio’s viewer. Check it out here. If you type 1 in the console you see the following silhouette.
Also those two ocelot silhouettes are mine, pretty cool, right? #rstats #rphylopic #phylopic
The #PhyloPic (@phylopic) website offers more than 6000 animal and plant (vectorised) silhouettes under a #CreativeCommons license, freely usable, adaptable and shareable (in classroom) ›