90 degree lateral lifts! Great for shoulders and traps and just a plain difficult but fun challenge!
#personaltrainer #physedbyzak #shoulderworkout #strengthtraining #exercise
#personaltrainer #physedbyzak #shoulderworkout #strengthtraining #exercise
The ever exciting and FANTASTIC Wall Sits! Want some extra challenge for the core? Hold onto some weight on one side of your body. I promise it’s as fun as it looks 🥰
#physedbyzak #personaltrainer #fitness #lgbtq #core #coreworkout #legday #workout #exercise
#physedbyzak #personaltrainer #fitness #lgbtq #core #coreworkout #legday #workout #exercise
Isometric bicep curls with a resistance band. At-home workouts don’t have to be boring! Typically you would do these while holding the other dumbbell but I thought, let’s spice it up!
#physedbyzak #personaltrainer #fitness #lgbtq #biceps #pullday #workout #exercise
#physedbyzak #personaltrainer #fitness #lgbtq #biceps #pullday #workout #exercise
Cable Machine Bicep 21s…the perfect way to end your pull day and exhaust the biceps!
#physedbyzak #personaltrainer #fitness #lgbtq #biceps #pullday #workout #exercise
#physedbyzak #personaltrainer #fitness #lgbtq #biceps #pullday #workout #exercise