Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Abusers Commit Political Violence When They Control Partners' Access to Voting #Jezebel #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #tawnimaisonneuve #tonishapinckney #physicalabuse #atlanticbooks #socialissues #kyliecheung #violence #bullying #crimes #jeffr #abuse
#jezebel #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #tawnimaisonneuve #tonishapinckney #physicalabuse #atlanticbooks #socialissues #kyliecheung #violence #bullying #crimes #jeffr #abuse
Huntercombe Hospital: 1,643 ‘sexual safety incidents’ in a single 59-bed children’s unit | The Independent
Hash tag list:
#huntercombehospital #childabuse #NHS #privatised #activecaregroup #SexualAbuse #verbalabuse #physicalabuse #maidenhead #MentalHealth #mentalhealthunit #camhs #inquest
The hidden epidemic: threats to the safety of healthcare workers
I've seen firsthand the devastating impact that threats to the safety of nurses and clinicians can have on the healthcare setting. Unfortunately, I've witnessed it frequently.
Samira Lopez psychiatric nurse and CODE Care lead.
Listen here:
#healthcareworkerssafety #nursesafety #cliniciansafety #verbalabuse #physicalabuse #harassment #patientsafety #healthcareculture #respect
#healthcareworkerssafety #nursesafety #cliniciansafety #verbalabuse #physicalabuse #harassment #patientsafety #healthcareculture #respect
I'd like more #AsianMastodon to be honest & share about lived experiences w/feeling pressured to bow down to BS & be OK w/elders being complete asshats or straight up criminals. I got attacked lots because I was 1st in family to standup against #PhysicalAbuse - talking about beating kids w/iron clothes hangers. I stopped that cycle of abuse. Kids need discipline but NOT by beating them til they have skin broken by beatings. THAT'S NOT OK. #StopChildAbuse #RestorativeJustice #Teochew #Chinese
#asianmastodon #physicalabuse #stopchildabuse #restorativejustice #teochew #chinese
RT @2Rarely
Esther House inquiry uncovers allegations of exorcism and Sexual Assault
#SexualAssault #AbuseInCare #Cults #Trauma #Assault #PhysicalAbuse #SpiritualAbuse #PsychologicalAbuse
#CorpGov lack of oversight
Pentecostal New Day Ministries via @ABCaustralia
#sexualassault #abuseincare #cults #trauma #assault #physicalabuse #spiritualabuse #psychologicalabuse #corpgov
#JaimeCamil: #ChangingTheNarrative | #TheManEnoughPodcast
Best known for his role as Rogelio on Jane the Virgin, Mexican actor and singer Jaime Camil talks about growing up in macho culture, how his childhood shaped...
#men #uomi #TheManEnoughPodcast #hommes #hombres #upbringing #physicalabuse #toxicmasculinity #JaimeCamil #ChangingTheNarrative