#Linux #Server #PhysicalAccess #Compromise #HowTo
mount / -o remount,rw
vi /etc/shadow
to blank out the root password: root:::0:99999:7:::
mount / -o remount,ro
exec /sbin/init
Then at the login:
prompt, just type root and press enter.
No encrypted password means you just get to log in. Please set the root password immediately! :)
Total downtime is basically how long it takes for one reboot, and to type the above commands.
#linux #server #physicalaccess #compromise #howto
Unpatched Apple T2 Chip Flaw Plagues Macs - A researcher claims that the issue can be exploited by attackers in order to gain root access. https://threatpost.com/apple-t2-flaw-macs/159866/ #blackbirdvulnerability #mobilesecurity #physicalaccess #t2securitychip #unpatchedflaw #rootaccess #appleflaw #checkra1n #jailbreak #bootrom #checkm8 #macbook #apple #mac
#mac #apple #macbook #checkm8 #bootrom #jailbreak #checkra1n #appleflaw #rootaccess #unpatchedflaw #t2securitychip #physicalaccess #mobilesecurity #blackbirdvulnerability