Our #ASAStandards Spotlight today is ASA/ANSI S12.11-2013/Part 1 / ISO 10302-1:2011 (R2023) - a newly reaffirmed standard that specifies methods for measuring the airborne noise emitted by small air‐moving devices: https://global.ihs.com/doc_detail.cfm?&csf=ASA&item_s_key=00438295&item_key_date=760915&input_doc_number=ASA/ANSI%20S12.11-2013/PART%201%20/%20ISO%2010302-1:2011%20(R2023)&input_doc_title=&org_code=ASA&input_asa_filter=ASA
#airbornenoise #physicalacoustics #noise #ASAStandards
A possible aerodynamic mechanism for the generation of infrasound caused by the turbulent air flow around the geometric irregularities of the surface of meteorological front is proposed.
Born approximation can be used for calculating the acoustic radiation force for acoustofluidic separation: https://doi.org/10.1121/2.0001646
#acoustics #PhysicalAcoustics