La série des #houseofthedead en image! Une série mythique de #railshooter !
A l’origine, le directeur voulait prendre une direction plus sérieuse mais cela changera en cours de route pour quelque chose qui se rapproche plus des «séries B».
#gamecollection #jeuvideo #videogamecollection #wii #dreamcast #nintendoswitch #ps3 #segasaturn #sega #lightgun #microïds #segaAM1 #collection #physicalgames
#houseofthedead #railshooter #gamecollection #jeuvideo #videogamecollection #wii #dreamcast #nintendoswitch #ps3 #segasaturn #sega #lightgun #microids #segaam1 #collection #physicalgames
:pigsquad: :pigsquad: :pigsquad:
This year's Tabletop Jam is live! Make a physical or digital game from March 7 through March 20 🎲
We're figuring out some specifics, but the event track includes a hybrid in-person/digital feedback night and showcase 😍
Register here, more updates soon ~
(Tabletop jam includes a huge variety of games btw. Board games! Pen and paper dice games! Larps! Bring em on!)
#PIGSquad #gameJam #ttrpg #tabletop #larp #physicalGames #boardGames
#boardgames #physicalgames #larp #tabletop #ttrpg #gamejam #PIGSquad
I need to know if there is one of these near #miltonkeynes it looks so much fun. #videogames #physicalgames #play
#play #physicalgames #videogames #miltonkeynes