Maciej Sebastian Kijowski · @roomak
39 followers · 186 posts · Server

Starting the weekend off by digitising the 7” 33rpm collection of Toah Dynamic. They released 3 EPs around the turn of the century, 16 tracks in total. Like having a new album 😀

#vinyl #physicalmusic #toahdynamic

Last updated 1 year ago

Kayla Painter · @kaylapainter
178 followers · 52 posts · Server

Selling at a discount now on my page. There are only a few things left so please be quick if there’s something you’d like. I’ll be giving away signed artwork postcards with every order too. link takes you there thank you all for the support

#musicmerch #physicalmusic #BandCamp #supportindiemusic #electronicmusic

Last updated 1 year ago

Burak Gürsoy · @burak
28 followers · 134 posts · Server

Sophie Lloyd: signed Delusions EP. Nice instrumental album. She'll release a new one with vocals soon. The digital version of this EP seems to have more tracks btw. For some reason this CD appears as "house music" in itunes and it is definitely not that kind of a music :)

#sophieguitar #sophielloyd #rock #metal #awesome #cd #physicalmusic #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Burak Gürsoy · @burak
35 followers · 160 posts · Server

Sophie Lloyd: signed Delusions EP. Nice instrumental album. She'll release a new one with vocals soon. The digital version of this EP seems to have more tracks btw. For some reason this CD appears as "house music" in itunes and it is definitely not that kind of a music :)

#sophieguitar #sophielloyd #rock #metal #awesome #cd #physicalmusic #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Ikol :blobCoffeeJump:​ · @ikol
133 followers · 1784 posts · Server

Here's yet another endless thread from your dear Ikol :blobInnocent:

Today I'm talking about physical music! Is that the right word? Like tapes, CDs & LPs 💿

I started getting tapes last summer, and now that my wife bought a turntable/CD/cassette player and installed it in our living room, my inner hipster awoke and I've been browsing LP stores on a regular basis :blobCatShades:

First I wanted to explain the few reasons why I'm interested in physical music stuff:
1) I just really like the ritualistic feel of it: taking a tape out of its box, flipping a vinyl, rewinding, etc. It makes my brain go brrr
2) I've been feeling much more relaxed listening to music that I can't skip, like I'm forced to sit down and listen to the whole damn album, unlike when I'm on Spotify and there's so much choice that I never know what to listen, and I haven't listened to a full album there in years (except for my metal discovery thread)

-- CW for (Ukrainian) war, apocalypse and the end of civilization as we know it --

3) That's more on my wife's side, but we've been thinking lately (especially with the Ukrainian war and the downfall of Twitter) about how all our music is on Spotify and we don't own any of it, so that if Spotify and/or the internet falls we have nothing to listen to. I know, priorities... but still! We would like to own some of our favorite music just in case, and as a bonus we get to support some artists.

So there you have it! I've mostly been buying tapes on, a Finnish website where people sell their old stuff, and a few vinyls in second hand vinyl shops, but I also bought a few new items.

In this thread I'll occasionally post about some new music I got and I'm excited about :blobAww:

#physicalmusic #analogmusic #tapes #cassettes #cds #lps #vinyls #music

Last updated 2 years ago