"The cost-to-serve your customers"
Healthcare entrepreneurs need to stratify their clients in order to properly allocate resources to meet their needs. Learn more below:
https://sites.google.com/view/medfinventures/costs-customers/cost-to-serve?authuser=0 🔓
#tipsfornewdocs #HealthcareInnovation #physicianentrepreneurship #meded #foamed #medmastodon #ScienceMastodon #medicine #entrepreneurlife #PhysicianFinances
#tipsfornewdocs #healthcareinnovation #physicianentrepreneurship #MedEd #FOAMed #MedMastodon #ScienceMastodon #medicine #entrepreneurlife #physicianfinances
"The pluripotency of cash: a deconstruction of a U.S. hospital's financial state"
Employing cash is as important as having it. This exposition deconstructs how stakeholders can interpret your business' use of the cash asset.
#healthcare #MedEd #FOAMed #PhysicianFinances #healthcareleadership
#healthcare #MedEd #FOAMed #physicianfinances #healthcareleadership
Provider finances: prepping for a new role
You'll know when it's time to move on. For some, that decision may come years or decades into your current role. How do you prepare yourself for this new challenge? Let's dive in.
#medicine #meded #MedMastodon #healthcare #PhysicianFinances #medicalschool
#medicine #MedEd #MedMastodon #healthcare #physicianfinances #MedicalSchool
Provider finances: The power of compounding
Not all interest rates tell you how fast your capital will grow. Let's deconstruct a common investment instrument offered by a local bank to see how capital does/doesn't grow over time.
#TipsForNewDocs #PhysicianFinances #healthcare #financialliteracy #physician
#tipsfornewdocs #physicianfinances #healthcare #financialliteracy #Physician
Happy Independence Day.
If you're thinking about elevating your game from physician to physician-entrepreneur, these substacks can help you understand your new venture and make better business decisions at the start.
#TipsForNewDocs #meded #FOAMed #ScienceMastodon #PhysicianFinances
#tipsfornewdocs #MedEd #FOAMed #ScienceMastodon #physicianfinances
It's July 1 - Happy Bobby Bonilla Day.
Provider finances: The value of deferred payments - a deconstruction of Bobby Bonilla Day
Do you prefer $1.00 today or tomorrow? What is the value of deferred payments? Let's deconstruct a famous deferred payment story: Bobby Bonilla, the New York Mets, and Bernie Madoff.
#physicianfinances #entrepreneurlife
Provider finances: Pay off your mortgage or not?
Let's say you win the lottery and you've got a net (after-tax) proceed of a cool $1 million. Would you pay off your mortgage?
#ScienceMastodon #MedMastodon #medicine #science #PhysicianFinances #entrepreneurlife #startup #finance
#ScienceMastodon #MedMastodon #medicine #Science #physicianfinances #entrepreneurlife #startup #finance
Calling all physician-entrepreneurs: Master your finances while pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. Dive into my Substack for insights, tips, and strategies tailored specifically for physicians like you. #PhysicianFinances #entrepreneurlife
#physicianfinances #entrepreneurlife