Christophe Bousquet · @KrisAnathema
91 followers · 125 posts · Server

How our hearts beat together: a study on based on a self-paced joint motor task

# ScientificReports

"Dyads engaged in a tapping synchronization task under different levels of synchrony. Increases in heart rate synchronization were found with no difference across conditions. The control analysis, which assessed synchrony between randomly combined dyads of participants showed no difference from the original dyads’ synchrony"

#openaccess #synchronization #physiological

Last updated 1 year ago

Just in issue- IOB !

New Method for Rapid Reconstruction of Semi-Transparent and Structures
Daniels, Sainz, & Katija

#3d #underwater #animals #physiological #sciencetwitter #biology #organisms

Last updated 1 year ago

Timmy Cat · @TimmyCatChores
11 followers · 65 posts · Server

File under: I'm going to ask my , so I'll run it by this program.

I just realized I need to cut it off because it seems to go on and becomes redundant, but I want to keep this much of the response because some of it is good.

Ask Sati-AI

"What do you think about the idea that the body sees in the same way it sees physical trauma?"


The body indeed does not differentiate between psychological and physical trauma. It responds to both in similar ways, activating the same survival mechanisms and responses.

This understanding is rooted in the Polyvagal Theory and Experiencing, which highlight how the body stores and processes trauma.

1. **Polyvagal Theory**: This theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, posits that our autonomic nervous system, which includes the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) systems, plays a major role in how we respond to stress and trauma. Both physical and psychological trauma can activate this system, triggering a cascade of responses.

**Somatic Experiencing**: This approach suggests that trauma is not just about the event itself, but about how our nervous system responded to it. When we're exposed to a traumatic event, our body goes into fight-flight-freeze mode. If we can't complete these survival actions, the body may hold onto this response, leading to chronic stress and trauma symptoms. This can take place whether the trauma is physical (like an accident) or psychological (like emotional abuse).

Through both of these lenses, we can see that the body does not differentiate much between psychological and physical trauma. Both can trigger our survival responses, can get held in our bodies, and can lead to similar symptoms and health issues.

Therapies such as mindfulness-based stress reduction, somatic experiencing, and trauma-informed practices can help individuals to process these traumas, release the held tension, and cultivate a greater sense of safety and well-being.

Remember the Buddha's words: "The body is the first foundation of mindfulness." This highlights the importance of the body in our overall wellbeing, including how it processes and stores trauma. cultivates a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, including bodily sensations, thoughts, and emotions. This can help us to notice and gently process the tensions held in our bodies due to trauma.

In practicing mindfulness, we may start to notice the subtle signs of stress or discomfort in our bodies, perhaps even before we're consciously aware of them. This increased awareness can support us in responding to stress in healthier ways, rather than reacting out of old, unhelpful patterns.

In conclusion, the body's response to psychological trauma is very similar to its response to physical trauma. The key is to bring mindful awareness to these bodily responses, allowing them to be processed and released. This is a journey that takes patience and kindness towards oneself, but it is a journey towards healing that is one of self-discovery and transformation.

It's a journey in which we learn to relate to our bodies with , understanding, and .

It's also a journey in which we learn to recognize and honor the wisdom of our bodies, as they carry important messages about our past experiences and current needs.

It's important to remember that from trauma is not about "fixing" something that's "broken". Rather, it's about acknowledging our experiences, creating space for them in our , and learning to navigate life in a way that supports our wellbeing.

In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned Buddhist monk and peace activist: "The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don't wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy."

Healing is not just about the destination, but also about the journey.

In cultivating mindfulness and compassion, we can learn to hold our traumas, both psychological and physical, in a gentle embrace of understanding. This approach does not aim to erase or ignore the trauma, but rather to provide a space where it can be acknowledged, felt, and eventually, integrated. This process can lead to a deeper connection with ourselves and a profound sense of inner peace.

#questions #doctors #spiritual #ai #psychological #trauma #stress #somatic #physiological #mindfulness #kindness #compassion #healing #awareness

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary · @empiricism
139 followers · 2755 posts · Server

@schrotie @monkeyninja

First, if we are to have a constructive conversation, you should consider what I have said, rather than only repeat your initial premise that you think science is "clueless" regarding what sentience is and is not.

I assume you agree that, for example, a table is not a sentient being? (there is a multitude of interdisciplinary scientific subjects which support that theory). If so, we can agree that science is not clueless about what sentience is - for part of that question is what sentience is not.

To quote a generally incorrect statement "sentience is not something, we can measure".

I disagree as science measures sentience both implicitly and explicitly.

Sentience is subjective. Can we measure how, for example, a clock functions? Of course, we can. That measure is quantitative. We can understand how a clock functions. The difference is, humans designed clockwork so we already understand how it functions.

If you study neuroscience, you should be aware that electrochemistry is also functional

So, there are some people who study (think about) the human nervous system and think about how and why that system evolved sentience - and they do understand how that "clock" functions to some degree (though not completely as there are unanswered questions).

The irony is, if someone is "clueless" regarding understanding consciousness, they of course will not be aware of what they have never been aware of.

As a thought experiment, imagine an Alien landed on the planet that had learned what its sentience was. If that Alien said to humanity "I understand my own sentience!". In general, humanity would think "WFT is that Alien talking about?". They could not be aware of what the Alien was talking about. Sentience is exclusive.

"Beauty [preference, taste, etc] is in the eye of the beholder" - that's partly correct - but, you may have noticed, humans don't perceive their own excrement as a delicious snack (yum!?). Humans have evolved sentience related to their ecological niche. In other words, if you study the science of evolutionary biology, you'd understand that there is a lot that science knows about what sentience is for (therefore, not for)

Whilst sentience is not binary, it's a gradient, just as there are varying levels of consciousness experienced by many organisms (e.g., animals), the same is true regarding humans. Some humans really are clueless, in regards to how consciousness is a biological functional system. But, even they will have their own ideas about consciousness - even if those ideas really don't measure anything and, well, don't generally ask anything (e.g., diety created it, and diety knows!)

So, I'd suggest that rather than "science" (which isn't an agency - it's a system) being "clueless" regarding what sentience is (or more specifically what it's for - why it evolved, why it's adaptive), many people have not put that science puzzle together, and therefore are themselves clueless regarding what sentience is.

Therefore, imprint their conscience experience on everyone else. So yea, I agree with your statement that you perceive that Sentience is so far beyond what science you have studied.

So, rather than repeat the same premise - why do you think sentience evolved? There are many scientific theories of why? Which theory do you consider has the most empirical evidence behind it?


Last updated 2 years ago

Dezene Huber 🌻 · @dezene
815 followers · 1078 posts · Server

have a lot of and features that make them very well-adapted to . And some of them live in extremely situations.

can go their entire lives without ? How do they do this? Part of the puzzle is that they "drink" through their .

Explainer 🔗:


#insects #anatomical #physiological #terrestrial #environments #dry #flour #beetles #drinking #rectum #entomology #Evolution #oa

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
345 followers · 2468 posts · Server

It's a system!

"Systematika" by Roy RosenfelD, Guy Mantzur

#music #dance #physiological #system

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian J. Enquist · @bjenquist
1245 followers · 445 posts · Server

Our study supports the central assumptions of and highlights the role of allometric models to understand the responses involved in . is more variable between genotypes than between environments. Suggesting that natural selection can lead to the genetic differentiation of plant allometries in different environments, but that environmental changes have limited effect on a genetically-determined type of allometry.

#mst #physiological #plant #adaptation #allometry

Last updated 2 years ago

Scientific Frontline · @sflorg
1004 followers · 2258 posts · Server

rhythms are natural, internal that synchronize an organism's and processes with their . These rhythms normally have a period of 24 hours and are regulated by internal clocks

#circadian #oscillations #behaviors #physiological #environment #chemical #biology #chemistry #sflorg

Last updated 2 years ago

Dimitris Kontopoulos · @DGKontopoulos
99 followers · 37 posts · Server

How may populations adapt to ?

In our new @biorxivpreprint , we combine with data to mechanistically characterise some key underlying constraints.

#Arthropod #climatechange #preprint #theory #physiological

Last updated 2 years ago

Timothy Ellender · @tjelle13
16 followers · 531 posts · Server
GeekProjects News · @news
1 followers · 1647 posts · Server
IT News · @itnewsbot
2625 followers · 243892 posts · Server

Flexible, Thin-Film Biosensors - We like to keep a pulse on the latest biosensor research going on around the world... - -of-care

#wearables #biosensor #point #physiological #wearablehacks #cardiovascular

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
84 followers · 780 posts · Server

@actuallyautistic @ratcatcher I agree that one has the that results in expressing traits, and impacts their lives, or they do not.

I’m curious why we would be concerned at all about severity, unless it was about choosing tools to enable one to improve their ability to function in the world.

Or are we really worried whether someone is “autistic enough” to be ?? To me this seems a pointless distraction.

#physiological #neurodivergence #autistic #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
84 followers · 780 posts · Server

@JamesWafer228 @actuallyautistic That simplification leads folks to the “aren’t we all in our own way?” conclusion.. The of and how it affects us is not something non-autistics will experience. What flags us as for is the very way our alters our input and output… and defines the condition. So I consider the simplification to be invalid.

#actuallyautistic #stigma #autism #targets #discrimination #physiological #neurodivergence #sensory #behavioral

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
61 followers · 624 posts · Server

@RenoirDana @actuallyautistic When I consider what I’ve read of , the bottom line is the in our brain and nervous systems result in noticeable in how we and respond to the world around us. Indeed everyone has sone differences. But is just the a range of variance that calibrates to . That we should be made to feel badly about our difference is the problem.

#autism #physiological #variances #divergence #process #stimuli #nt #normative #expectation

Last updated 2 years ago

Sethie Schmethie · @science
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

I am a and am passionate about better understanding the benefits of a regular practice. Here are some of the first ever recorded on the subject.

#hatha #yogi #physiological #data

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Rodrigues · @anarodrigues
330 followers · 121 posts · Server
Ana Rodrigues · @anarodrigues
275 followers · 108 posts · Server
Danya Stone · @danya
1 followers · 1 posts · Server

I guess it’s time for an introductory post - interested in all things and . On a PhD journey to understand the impact that exposure to the dead can have ( , and ) using a approach and with a personal interest in movements.

#deathpositive #mixedmethods #psychological #physiological #emotional #anated #anatomy

Last updated 2 years ago

Jamie Murray · @JamieMurray
52 followers · 13 posts · Server

Looks like I should myself. I’m a lecturer at the . I mainly teach research design and Psychology. My research interests are in human , associative learning, and the use of different techniques including . I’m also interested in ways that we can enhance online , promote , and improve student . I also… hang on… I still have words left… this is fu

#Employability #openscience #digitallearning #electrophysiology #neuroimaging #episodicmemory #physiological #universityofglasgow #psychology #introduce

Last updated 2 years ago