#Plants use scaffold proteins to facilitate #crosstalk between #signaling pathways. Masood et al. provide a paradigm for how these proteins finely tune #phytohormone signaling to control #PlantDevelopment.
#PlantSci #ethylene #leaf #JIPB #PlantScience
#plants #crosstalk #signaling #phytohormone #plantdevelopment #plantsci #ethylene #leaf #JIPB #plantscience
Gibt es gute Gründe für die Einnahme von Extrakt aus Wildem Yams? https://sciencefiles.org/2023/05/24/gibt-es-gute-gruende-fuer-die-einnahme-von-extrakt-aus-wildem-yams/ #AlternativeBehandlungsmethoden #Phytotherapeutika #Blutzuckerspiegel #Entzündungshemmer #Phytohormone #Gesundheit #Yamswurzel #Entzündung #WilderYams #Diosgenin #Sapogenin
#sapogenin #diosgenin #wilderyams #entzundung #yamswurzel #gesundheit #phytohormone #entzundungshemmer #blutzuckerspiegel #phytotherapeutika #alternativebehandlungsmethoden
#Plants use scaffold proteins to facilitate #crosstalk between #signaling pathways. Masood et al. provide a paradigm for how these proteins finely tune #phytohormone signaling to control #PlantDevelopment.
#PlantScience #ethylene #leaf #JIPB
#plants #crosstalk #signaling #phytohormone #plantdevelopment #plantscience #ethylene #leaf #JIPB
And here is our #preprint number 2:
"Spatially distinct #phytohormone responses of individual Arabidopsis thaliana root cells to infection and colonization by #Fusarium oxysporum"
Continuing our #SpatialImmunity theme. See this thread for a #PaperSummary:
In this preprint we investigate the local responsiveness of phytohormone (#JasmonicAcid (JA) #SalicylicAcid (SA) #Ethylene (ET)) biosynthesis & signaling markers to infection & colonization.
#preprint #phytohormone #fusarium #spatialimmunity #papersummary #jasmonicacid #salicylicacid #ethylene #plantscience