Erysiphe ulmi var. ulmi ex Ulmus sp.
#Ulmus #Ulme #elm #orme #Erysiphe #Erysipheulmi #EchterMehltau #PowderMildew #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #champignons #champignon #nature #natur #Phytopathology
#ulmus #ulme #elm #orme #erysiphe #erysipheulmi #echtermehltau #powdermildew #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #champignons #champignon #nature #natur #phytopathology
What is happening?!
An excellent question. Here in the world of #plant #pathogen interactions, Wei et al. are sharing new findings about the role of #Arabidopsis CPL1 in MAMP-triggered immunity.
#JIPB #RNA #MAPK #phytopathology #PlantSci #PlantScience #botany
#plant #pathogen #arabidopsis #JIPB #RNA #mapk #phytopathology #plantsci #plantscience #botany
This tag team is deadly! Understanding the interaction between #Phytophthora and #Fusarium and its impact on #soybean can help us develop the #crops of the future. Read on!🔓⬇️🎉 …
#JIPB #PlantSci #CropSci #phytopathology #PlantPathology #PlantScience
#phytophthora #fusarium #soybean #crops #JIPB #plantsci #cropsci #phytopathology #PlantPathology #plantscience
Peronospora lepigoni ex Spergularia marina
#Spergulariamarina #Spergularia #SalzSchuppenmiere
#Peronosporalepigoni #Peronospora #FalscherMehltau #Weißrost #DownyMilew #Oomycete #Phytopathology #Pilz #Fungus #Nature #Natur
#spergulariamarina #spergularia #salzschuppenmiere #peronosporalepigoni #peronospora #falschermehltau #weißrost #downymilew #oomycete #phytopathology #pilz #fungus #nature #natur
Albugo lepigoni ex Spergularia marina
#Spergulariamarina #Spergularia #SalzSchuppenmiere
#Albugolepigoni #Albugo #FalscherMehltau #Weißrost #DownyMilew #Oomycete #Phytopathology #Pilz #Fungus #Nature #Natur
#spergulariamarina #spergularia #salzschuppenmiere #albugolepigoni #albugo #falschermehltau #weißrost #downymilew #oomycete #phytopathology #pilz #fungus #nature #natur
Thecaphora seminis-convolvuli ex Calystegia sepium
#Calystegiasepium #Calystegia #EchteZaunwinde #hedgebindweed #Liserondeshaies #vilucchiobianco #correhuelamayor #Thecaphoraseminisconvolvuli #Thecaphora #Smutfungus #Smut #Brandpilz #Brand #fungus #Pilz #phytopathology #nature
#calystegiasepium #calystegia #echtezaunwinde #hedgebindweed #liserondeshaies #vilucchiobianco #correhuelamayor #thecaphoraseminisconvolvuli #thecaphora #smutfungus #smut #brandpilz #brand #fungus #pilz #phytopathology #nature
Come for the #phytopathology-stay for our🍅-riffic July cover!
Liu et al. reveal that #CRISPR/Cas9-mediated editing of GmTAP1 confers enhanced #resistance to #Phytophthora in #soybean. 🔓⬇️🎉
#JIPB #PlantSci #CropSci #PlantScience
#phytopathology #crispr #resistance #phytophthora #soybean #JIPB #plantsci #cropsci #plantscience
For those of you interested in host-pathogen interactions or #phytopathology, we have updated our preprint on #phytoplasma - Arabidopsis protein-protein interactions. Published manuscript hopefully coming soon!
Uromyces limonii ex Limonium vulgare
#Limoniumvulgare #Limonium #GewöhnlicherStrandflieder #commonsealavender #Lavandedemer #Lavandademar #Uromyces #Uromyceslimonii #rust #Rustfungus #Rostpilz #Rost #phytopathology #nature #natur
#limoniumvulgare #limonium #gewohnlicherstrandflieder #commonsealavender #lavandedemer #lavandademar #uromyces #uromyceslimonii #rust #rustfungus #rostpilz #rost #phytopathology #nature #natur
Taphrina alni ex Alnus glutinosa
#Taphrinaalni #Taphrina #Alnusglutinosa #Alnus #Schwarzerle #commonalder #Aulneglutineux #ontanonero #alisocomún #ErlenNarrentasche #Erlenwucherling #aldertonguegall #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #nature #natur #Phytopathology
#taphrinaalni #taphrina #alnusglutinosa #alnus #schwarzerle #commonalder #aulneglutineux #ontanonero #alisocomun #erlennarrentasche #erlenwucherling #aldertonguegall #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #nature #natur #phytopathology
Anthracoidea arenariae ex Carex arenaria
#Carexarenaria #Carex #SandSegge #SandSedge #LaîcheDesSables #ZarzaparrillaAlemana #Anthracoideaarenariae #Anthracoidea #Smut #Smutfungus #Brandpilz #Brand #Pilz #Fungus #Phytopathology #natur #nature
#carexarenaria #carex #sandsegge #sandsedge #laichedessables #zarzaparrillaalemana #anthracoideaarenariae #anthracoidea #smut #smutfungus #brandpilz #brand #pilz #fungus #phytopathology #natur #nature
Phacellium rufibasis ex Myrica gale
#Myricagale #Myrica #Gagelstrauch #bogmyrtle #pimentroyal #palude #MirtodeBrabante #Phacelliumrufibasis #Phacellium #fungus #fungi #Pilz #Pilze #phytopathology #natur #nature
#myricagale #myrica #gagelstrauch #bogmyrtle #pimentroyal #palude #mirtodebrabante #phacelliumrufibasis #phacellium #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #phytopathology #natur #nature
Uromyces viciae-fabae ex Vicia faba
#Viciafaba #Vicia #Ackerbohne #broadbean #fava #haba #Uromyces #Uromycesviciaefabae #Rostpilz #Rost #rust #rustfungus #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #champignons #champignon #nature #natur #Phytopathology
#viciafaba #vicia #ackerbohne #broadbean #fava #haba #uromyces #uromycesviciaefabae #rostpilz #rost #rust #rustfungus #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #champignons #champignon #nature #natur #phytopathology
Doassansia sagitarriae ex Sagittaria sagittifolia
#Sagittariasagittifolia #Sagittaria #GewöhnlichesPfeilkraut #arrowhead #Sagittaireàfeuillesenflèche #sagittariacomune #Doassansiasagitarriae #Doassansia #smut #smutfungus #Brandpilz #Brand #Pilz #Fungus #Nature #Phytopathology
#sagittariasagittifolia #sagittaria #gewohnlichespfeilkraut #arrowhead #sagittaireafeuillesenfleche #sagittariacomune #doassansiasagitarriae #doassansia #smut #smutfungus #brandpilz #brand #pilz #fungus #nature #phytopathology
Tracya hydrocharidis ex Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
#Hydrocharismorsusranae #Hydrocharis #Froschbiss #frogbit #Morène #morsodirana #Tracyahydrocharidis #Tracyahydrocharidis #smut #smutfungus #Brandpilz #Brand #fungus #pilz #champignon #nature #phytopathology
#hydrocharismorsusranae #hydrocharis #froschbiss #frogbit #morene #morsodirana #tracyahydrocharidis #smut #smutfungus #brandpilz #brand #fungus #pilz #champignon #nature #phytopathology
When #Fusarium teams up with #Phytophthora, #soybean crops don't stand a chance. Learn how understanding these interactions is helping us develop the #crops of the future. 🔓⬇️🎉
#JIPB #PlantSci #CropSci #phytopathology #PlantPathology #PlantScience
#fusarium #phytophthora #soybean #crops #JIPB #plantsci #cropsci #phytopathology #PlantPathology #plantscience
Puccinia mulgedii ex Cicerbita alpina
#Cicerbitaalpina #Cicerbita #AlpenMilchlattich #alpinesowthistle #LaituedesAlpes #cicerbitavioletta #Pucciniamulgedii #Puccinia #Rustfungus #Rostpilz #Fungus #Pilz #Nature #Phytopathology #Rost #Rust #Champignon
#cicerbitaalpina #cicerbita #alpenmilchlattich #alpinesowthistle #laituedesalpes #cicerbitavioletta #pucciniamulgedii #puccinia #rustfungus #rostpilz #fungus #pilz #nature #phytopathology #rost #rust #champignon
Resistance is...vital! From our June issue: Zheng et al. propose that The MAX2-KAI2 module promotes #SalicylicAcid-mediated #immune responses in #Arabidopsis.
#PlantScience #signaling #PlantArchitecture #PlantImmunity #phytopathology #JIPB
#salicylicacid #immune #arabidopsis #plantscience #signaling #plantarchitecture #plantimmunity #phytopathology #JIPB
Taphrina betulina ex Betula pubescens
#Betulapubescens #Betula #MoorBirke #downybirch #Bouleaupubescent #betullapelosa #abedulpubescente #Taphrinabetulina #Taphrina #Narrentasche #Wucherling #Phytopathology #nature #natur
#betulapubescens #betula #moorbirke #downybirch #bouleaupubescent #betullapelosa #abedulpubescente #taphrinabetulina #taphrina #narrentasche #wucherling #phytopathology #nature #natur
Plasmopara geranii-silvatici ex Geranium sylvaticum
#Geraniumsylvaticum #Geranium #WaldStorchschnabel #woodcranesbill #Géraniumdesbois #geraniosilvano #Plasmoparageraniisilvatici #Plasmopara #DownyMildew #FalscherMehltau #Pilz #Fungus #Phytopathology #nature
#geraniumsylvaticum #geranium #waldstorchschnabel #woodcranesbill #geraniumdesbois #geraniosilvano #plasmoparageraniisilvatici #plasmopara #downymildew #falschermehltau #pilz #fungus #phytopathology #nature