🔵🌊🌀🇳🇴In the last few days a huge #Phytoplancton bloom is located in the #NorwegianSea,just about 100km from #Tromsø. The #Sentinel3 water reflectance shows all the colors of eddies and swirls covering more than 54000km2 and partially hidden by clouds. It is #EarthArt #Norway @MarkH @HelgavanLeur @Nature @NorwayEU @vincentgabaglio @LotharSchueller
@markmccaughrean @RaphaelGrandin @rsimmon @SatelliteSci
#phytoplancton #norwegiansea #tromso #Sentinel3 #Earthart #norway
#bretagne #phytoplancton #alguesvertes
Podcast "Les faces cachées du climat" : rôle essentiel du #phytoplancton dans notre #climat . Et que se passe de t'il dans le #Léman ?
Marie Elodie Perga @MEPerga Bastian Ibelings @MECO_UniGe & Natacha Tofield-Pasche
@EPFL @unil @unige_ise @sciences_UNIGE @LexploreLeman
Le phytoplancton est invisible à l'oeil nu… 👀 mais il est indispensable à la vie sur Terre. C'est donc lui la vedette du premier épisode du tout nouveau podcas…
Puits de carbone, une chance pour le climat | CNRS - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWYAu1x0Hko #documentaire #biologie #nature #puits_de_carbone #co2 #stockage_du_carbone #océan #plancton #sédimentation #cnrs #agriculture #sécurité_alimentaire #zooplancton #phytoplancton #carbone_stable #biochar #biomasse #1st_revue #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #1st_revue #biomasse #biochar #carbone_stable #phytoplancton #zooplancton #securite_alimentaire #agriculture #cnrs #sedimentation #plancton #ocean #stockage_du_carbone #co2 #puits_de_carbone #nature #biologie #documentaire
RT @ird_fr
#IRDleMag’🗞|👉Petites turbulences océanographiques, grand impact climatique?
🌊En mer d'Arabie par ex, ces phénomènes turbulents de petites échelles peuvent contribuer à + de 50 % de la variation moyenne annuelle de #phytoplancton, selon une étude #IRD
RT @CopernicusEU: #DYK?
Every day, the two #Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellites allow monitoring of
▶️#Ocean 🐟
▶️Land 🌳
▶️River and Lakes 💧
▶️#SeaIce 🧊
▶️#Atmosphere ☁️
⬇️A #phytoplancton bloom north of the Scandinavian peninsula as seen in a #Sentinel3 🇪🇺🛰️image of summer 2021
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1513053070145564672
#DYK #Copernicus #Ocean #SeaIce #Atmosphere #phytoplancton #Sentinel3
RT @CopernicusEU: #DYK?
Every day, the two #Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellites allow monitoring of
▶️#Ocean 🐟
▶️Land 🌳
▶️River and Lakes 💧
▶️#SeaIce 🧊
▶️#Atmosphere ☁️
⬇️A #phytoplancton bloom north of the Scandinavian peninsula as seen in a #Sentinel3 🇪🇺🛰️image of summer 2021
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1512738217367330817
#DYK #Copernicus #Ocean #SeaIce #Atmosphere #phytoplancton #Sentinel3
Every day, the two #Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellites allow monitoring of
▶️#Ocean 🐟
▶️Land 🌳
▶️River and Lakes 💧
▶️#SeaIce 🧊
▶️#Atmosphere ☁️
⬇️A #phytoplancton bloom north of the Scandinavian peninsula as seen in a #Sentinel3 🇪🇺🛰️image of summer 2021
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1512722517093490690
#DYK #Copernicus #Ocean #SeaIce #Atmosphere #phytoplancton #Sentinel3
#theconversation #sciences "Images de science : Quand l'invisible empourpre l'océan " #images #photos #phytoplancton #eau #océan #ScienceOuverte ... https://theconversation.com/images-de-science-quand-linvisible-empourpre-locean-163369
#theconversation #sciences #images #photos #phytoplancton #eau #océan #scienceouverte
#theconversation #sciences "Images de science : Quand l'invisible empourpre l'océan " #images #photos #phytoplancton #eau #océan #ScienceOuverte ... https://theconversation.com/images-de-science-quand-linvisible-empourpre-locean-163369
#scienceouverte #océan #eau #phytoplancton #photos #images #sciences #theconversation
[#BotActu] « Le plus grand iceberg du monde n'est plus qu'à 60 km de l’île de Georgie du Sud ! » https://www.futura-sciences.com/planete/breves/antarctique-plus-grand-iceberg-monde-nest-plus-qua-60-km-ile-georgie-sud-3463/#xtor%3DRSS-8 #plusgrandicebergdumonde #britishantarcticsurvey #collisiond’iceberg #dérived’uniceberg #phytoplancton #géorgiedusud #iceberggéant #antarctique #iceberga68 #manchot #phoque
#BotActu #plusgrandicebergdumonde #BritishAntarcticSurvey #collisiond #dérived #phytoplancton #géorgiedusud #iceberggéant #antarctique #iceberga68 #manchot #phoque